Working examples

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Name Category Description Keywords
Accessibility Conformance Report Methodology Other This method describes an iterative approach for performing multiple specialized assessments and producing an Accessibility Conformance Report (ACR). acr
Accessibility responsibility breakdown (WCAG 2.0) Other Provides a breakdown of WCAG 2.0 accessibility responsibilities throughout the Web production chain. arb-rra
Add to Calendar Plugins Adding an event to a calendar (google, Apple, Android, Outlook and others). add-cal
Archived - Archived information Other Helps users identify Web pages that have been archived online. archived
Background image Plugins Apply a background image from the given URL in parameter or as per the srcset information. bgimg
Base de la BOEW Other Exemples pratiques des méthodes natifs de la base de la BOEW. core
Basic HTML Plugins Enable Basic HTML Mode disable
Calendar of Events Plugins Dynamically generates a calendar interface for navigating a list of events. cal-events
Charts and graphs - Customization Plugins Customization, custom presets and multiple charts and graphs types. charts
Charts and graphs - Customizing pie charts Plugins Customizing a pie chart to create a donut chart. charts
Charts and graphs - Labels and reference values Plugins How to manage the chart labels and the reference values used to determine the points on the chart. charts
Charts and graphs - Simple and easy Plugins Dynamically generates charts and graphs from table data. charts
Charts and graphs - Specific test cases Plugins Specific test cases for testing purposes. charts
Checklist for mobile accessibility tests - Web Experience Toolkit Other A guide for day-to-day mobile accessibility testing – one should be able to answer ‘yes’ to each question. checklist
Collapsible alerts Plugins Make alerts collapsible by users collapsible-alerts
Conditional template Plugins Map JSON content by following a conditional template. data-json
Country Content Plugins A basic AjaxLoader wrapper that inserts AJAXed-in content based on a visitor's country as determined by country-content
Data Ajax Plugins A basic AjaxLoader wrapper that inserts AJAXed-in content. data-ajax
Data Fusion Query Plugins Map a query parameter value into an input value. data-fusion-query
Data Inview Plugins Displays an overlay when a section moves out of the viewport. data-inview
Data JSON Plugins Insert content extracted from a JSON file. data-json
Data Picture Plugins Event driven port of Picturefill data-picture
Datalist polyfill (auto-complete) Polyfills Emulates input list attribute and datalist element support for browsers that do not have support. This adds auto-complete functionality to specific input fields by dynamically displaying a list of words that match the datalist. datalist
Datalist polyfill (auto-complete) - Dynamic Polyfills Demonstrates how to dynamically update the contents of the datalist element, based upon user input. Particularly useful where there are a large number of auto-complete suggestions. datalist
Details closed on medium view and down Plugins Keep selected details elements closed on medium view and smaller. details-close
Details closed on small views Plugins Keep selected details elements closed on small view and down. details-close
Details/summary polyfill (expandable/collapsible content) Polyfills Emulates details and summary element support for browsers that do not have support. The details and summary elements allows content to be expanded and collapsed. details
Dismissable content Plugins Make content dismissable by users. dismissable-content
Equal height Plugins A plugin for responsive equal height. equalheight
Equal height (pure CSS) Plugins A plugin for equal height grids. eqht-css
Exit script Plugins Redirects users to another sites. exitscript
Facebook embedded pages Plugins Helps with implementing Facebook embedded pages. facebook
Favicon Plugins This plugin provides the ability to add and update the favicon's on a web page. favicon
Feedback form Other Allows users to submit feedback for a specific Web page or Web site. feedback
Feeds Plugins Aggregates and displays entries from one or more Web feeds. feeds
Filter Plugins Filters through content and only show content that match a certain keyword. filter
Footnotes Plugins Provides a consistent, accessible way of handling footnotes across websites. footnotes
Form validation Plugins Provides generic validation and error message handling for Web forms. formvalid
Geomap Plugins Displays a dynamic map over which information from additional sources can be overlaid. geomap
Geomap - prior v4.0.30 Plugins Displays a dynamic map over which information from additional sources can be overlaid. geomap
Hello world plugin example Other A quick tutorial on how you can create your own WET plugin. helloworld
Input type="date" polyfill (date picker) Polyfills Emulates <input type="date"> support for browsers that do not have support. This dynamically generates a calendar interface for selecting a date in a form. datepicker
Input type="range" polyfill (slider control) Polyfills Emulates <input type="range"> support for browsers that do not have support. The <input type="range"> element displays a slider control bar. slider
JSON Manager Plugins Manage dataset and apply JSON Patch jsonmanager
Lightbox Plugins Display images and other content in a dialog box, either individually or as part of a gallery. lightbox
MathML polyfill Polyfills Emulates MathML support for browsers that do not have MathML support. mathml
Menu Plugins Provides an interactive menu with optional sub-menus. menu
Merge Server-Client Errors Plugins Merge server errors with client errors formvalid-server
Meter polyfill Polyfills Emulates meter element support for browsers that do not have support. The meter element displays a scalar measurement in a known range. meter
Multimedia Player - Audio-only Plugins Provides an accessible audio player for embedding audio into web pages. multimedia
Multimedia Player - Video Plugins Provides an accessible multimedia player for embedding video into web pages. multimedia
Multimedia Player - YouTube Plugins Provides an accessible multimedia player for embedding YouTube video into web pages. multimedia, youtube
Overlay Plugins A flexible, responsive overlay plugin. overlay
PII Scrub Plugins Replace Personal Identifiable Information (PII) from the form flagged fields with redacted characters. pii-scrub
Paginate Plugins Adds pagination at the bottom of a list of items paginate
Postback Plugins Submit web form through AJAX call. wb-postback
Prettify Plugins Provides syntax highlighting of source code snippets in an HTML page using google-code-prettify. prettify
Progress polyfill (progress bar) Polyfills Emulates progress element support for browsers that do not have support. The progress element displays the progress of a task. progress
Randomize Plugins Randomly picks one of the child elements. randomize
Session Timeout Plugins Helps Web asset owners to provide session timeout and inactivity timeout functionality. session-timeout
Session Timeout with signInUrl option Plugins Helps Web asset owners to provide session timeout and inactivity timeout functionality. session-timeout-signin
Session Timeout with text overrides Plugins Helps Web asset owners to provide session timeout and inactivity timeout functionality. session-timeout-text-override
Share widget Plugins Facilitates sharing Web content on social media platforms. share
Steps Form Plugins Automatically converts a form into steps. stepsform
Tabbed Interface Plugins Dynamically stacks multiple sections of content, transforming them into a tabbed interface. tabs
Tabbed Interface - Carousel Plugins Dynamically stacks multiple images and captions into a carousel (or slider) widget. tabs, carousel
Table Filters Plugins Integrates the DataTables plugin into WET providing searching, sorting, filtering, pagination and other advanced features for tables. table filters
Table Validator Other Web editor tool that helps to produce tables that conform to WCAG 2.0 tablevalidator
Tables Plugins Integrates the DataTables plugin into WET providing searching, sorting, filtering, pagination and other advanced features for tables. tables
Tag filter Plugins Filters through content and shows/hides content that match a certain tags. filter
Template HTML 5 Plugins Leverage HTML 5 template element by using the data json plugin. data-json
Text highlighting Plugins Automatically highlights certain words on a Web page. The highlighted words can be selected via the query string. texthighlight
Toggle Plugins Allows a link to toggle elements between on and off states. toggle
Transitions Other CSS-based transitions transitions
Twitter embedded timeline Plugins Helps with implementing Twitter embedded timelines. twitter
Utilities Other Utilities page including working examples. utility
WET core Other Working examples of WET core's built-in methods. core
Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology (Level AA) Other Provides an assessment methodology that assists with measuring conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level A, and AA Success Criteria. wamethod
Web Accessibility Assessment Methodology (Level AAA) Other Provides an assessment methodology that assists with measuring conformance to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level A, AA, and AAA Success Criteria. wamethod
Zebra striping Plugins Zebra striping for tables zebra
Base theme Themes and style A theme template to aid in the creation of new themes. theme-base theme Themes and style This theme implements the layout and design requirements for GCWeb
Government of Canada Intranet theme Themes and style This theme adapts the Government of Canada Web Usability theme for intranet sites. theme-gc-intranet
Government of Canada Web Usability theme Themes and style This theme implements the requirements of the Standard on Web Usability and is recommended for use on all Government of Canada websites (except for theme-gcwu-fegc
Open Government Platform (OGPL) theme Themes and style The Open Government Platform (OGPL) theme was developed to support the Open Government Platform (OGPL). theme-ogpl
Web Experience Toolkit (WET) theme Themes and style This theme provides an example implementation of the Base Theme. theme-wet-boew
Jekyll variant Variants Adapts WET for use with Jekyll. jekyll
Do action theme plugins Execute action, like filter a table, based on pre-established set of configuration. (Documentation) gcweb/doaction
Field flow theme plugins Transform a basic list into a selectable list. (Documentation) gcweb/fieldflow
Field flow advanced theme plugins How to go beyond with field flow. (Documentation) gcweb/fieldflow
Field flow basic configuration theme plugins How to use field flow to create small scale user interaction. (Documentation) gcweb/fieldflow
URL Mapping - Ajax theme plugins Execute pre-configured ajax action based on url query string. (Documentation) gcweb/urlmapping
URL Mapping - Patching JSON theme plugins Execute pre-configured patches action based on url query string. (Documentation) gcweb/urlmapping
URL Mapping - Table filtering theme plugins Execute pre-configured table filtering action based on url query string. (Documentation) gcweb/urlmapping

Documentation of WET 4 core

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