Checklist for mobile accessibility tests - Web Experience Toolkit


This is intended as a guide to use in day-to-day testing – one should be able to answer ‘yes’ to each question.

Please remember that if you refresh the page or navigate away, all values you entered will be reset.

Table of Contents

Zoom and voice output disabled

  1. Is there sufficient contrast?      
  2. Does colour reinforce meaning rather than convey meaning alone?      
  3. Are links visually evident?      
  4. Are navigation cues clear?      
  5. Is pinch zoom supported (HTML only)?      
  6. Is the correct keyboard/input type used in forms i.e. telephone, date, numbers, letters etc?      
  7. Can you complete all actions?      
  8. Do pop ups fit within the viewport i.e. you don’t have to swipe to find the close/submit/cancel buttons?      
  9. Do pop ups have a close button?      
  10. Is all content and functionality available by touch?      
  11. Is there a clear visible focus on links, form fields, buttons etc when tested with a keyboard (Android)?      
  12. Is Text selectable i.e. can users copy and paste and use speak aloud options?      

Voice output enabled

Use the Web Rotor in iOS to test content on selections such as images, headings, landmarks, forms, hints, links, buttons etc. Try not to look at the screen when doing this or activate Screen Curtain if using iOS (3 finger triple tap).

  1. Are images labelled appropriately?      
  2. Are decorative images ignored?      
  3. Is the content order logical?      
  4. Are landmarks labelled or have the appropriate headings been announced with them?      
  5. Do form fields have clear labels?      
  6. Is the appropriate keyboard used in forms i.e. telephone, date, numbers, letters etc?      
  7. Do data table headings read correctly?      
  8. Are hints appropriate?      
  9. Are users notified of navigation cues i.e. can you scroll pages/screen by swiping right when in portrait?      
  10. Are changes of state announced?      
  11. Does link text describe the target?      
  12. Are images and links to the same target grouped into one touch zone?      
  13. Can you complete all actions?      
  14. Can you complete all actions?      
  15. Is content in a different language read correctly?      
  16. Are buttons used for actions?      
  17. Have the correct controls (HTML) and traits (app) been used?      
  18. Is hidden content appropriate and necessary?      
  19. Do pop ups have close buttons?      
  20. Does focus stay in the pop up rather than continue through the rest of the page/screen?      
  21. Is all content and functionality available by swiping left and right and up and down?      

Zoom enabled

  1. Is text readable?      
  2. Are large areas of empty spaces absent?      
  3. Are labels and form inputs not separated by large areas of empty spaces?      

Voice output and zoom enabled

iOS 6 now allows both zoom and VoiceOver to run simultaneously. Follow the same tests used with just zoom enabled, voice output running, and as well as the following:

  1. Does visible text match audible labels on buttons, forms, linked images of text etc?      
  2. Do visible and VoiceOver focus match?      

Inverse colours

Follow the same tests used when zoom and voice output are disabled paying special attention to the following:

  1. Is text readable?      
  2. Is there sufficient contrast?      
  3. Are navigation cues clear?      


Test Results
Test Cases Results Percentage
Zoom and voice output disabled /12 (%)
Voice output enabled /21 (%)
Zoom enabled /3 (%)
Voice output and zoom enabled /2 (%)
Inverse colours /3 (%)
Total items passed /41 (%)
Number of items evaluated /41 (%)
Items N/A /41 (%)

Note: The number of total items passed means the total number of PASS and N/A.


Inspired by Al Duggin’s browser based tests for accessibility in his kick ass post building a web page with accessibility and interoperability in mind, I thought I’d put some tests together for mobile. This is intended as a guide you can use in day-to-day testing – you should be able to answer ‘yes’ to each question.

Tests should be carried out in the native browser in iOS Android or any other of your supported devices without any accessibility settings or support running as well as a combination of settings and support running i.e. zoom, voice output, inverse colours etc.

It’s worth also checking content in Firefox and Chrome on iOS and Android which both have voice output support and various zoom functions. I find this especially useful when I need to establish whether the content, voice output or browser is buggy.

Finally this is a general list of core tests. Different devices will offer different accessibility settings and support ranging from anything including external braille displays and keyboards to different types of zoom. It’s important to be aware of these and include them in your testing where possible.

Henny Swan

Sourced from this blog.
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