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Unstable feature
To be used at your own risk. This feature described below can be removed in any subsequent minor/major release
Learn more about the design decision around provisional features.
Example of an event including a detailed location
The following example present an event including a full detailed location (street address, region, province and postal code).
CanUX (pronounced “canucks”, like the hockey team) is an independent, locally-grown, non-profit, volunteer-driven event created for people who want to learn and share their expertise about user experience, and how our profession contributes to making things work better for everyone.
Shaw Centre
55 Colonel By Drive
K1N 9J2
- Start
- End
Example of an event including a place only
The following example present an event including a place only without it's full address.
Igloo Baratanga
A percussion activity for the whole family! Take part in a drum circle and get warmed up. No musical experience required and smiles guaranteed! Come play with us!
When: From to
Where: Snowflake Kingdom, Jacques-Cartier Park, Gatineau
Example of an online event
Marsai Martin’s Picks for a Social Summer
There’s no time like summer for trying new things and meeting new people, especially if you’ve been feeling lonely.
When: From to
Where: Online (https://virtual.event)
Source code
<h2>Example of an event including a detailed location</h2>
<p>The following example present an event including a full detailed location (street address, region, province and postal code).</p>
<div class="wb-addcal provisional mrgn-bttm-md" typeof="Event">
<h3 property="name">CanUX20</h3>
<p property="description">CanUX (pronounced “canucks”, like the hockey team) is an independent, locally-grown, non-profit, volunteer-driven event created for people who want to learn and share their expertise about user experience, and how our profession contributes to making things work better for everyone.</p>
<p property="location" typeof="Place">
<span property="name">Shaw Centre</span><br />
<span class="address" property="address" typeof="PostalAddress">
<span property="streetAddress">55 Colonel By Drive</span><br />
<span property="addressLocality">Ottawa</span>,
<span property="addressRegion">ON</span><br />
<span property="postalCode">K1N 9J2</span>
<dd><time property="startDate" datetime="2023-01-27 07:00-05:00">Friday, Jan 27, 2023, 7:00am EST</time></dd>
<dd><time property="endDate" datetime="2023-01-29 12:00-05:00">Sunday, Jan 29, 2023, 12:00pm EST</time></dd>
<h2>Example of an event including a place only</h2>
<p>The following example present an event including a place only without it's full address.</p>
<div class="wb-addcal provisional mrgn-bttm-md" typeof="Event">
<h3 property="name">Igloo Baratanga</h3>
<p property="description">A percussion activity for the whole family! Take part in a drum circle and get warmed up. No musical experience required and smiles guaranteed! Come play with us!</p>
<p><strong>When:</strong> From <time property="startDate" datetime="2023-02-08 13:00-05:00">Wednesday, February 8, 2023 | 1:00 pm</time> to <time property="endDate" datetime="2023-02-08 13:30-05:00">1:30 pm</time></p>
<p><strong>Where:</strong> <span property="location">Snowflake Kingdom, <span lang="fr">Jacques-Cartier</span> Park, Gatineau</span></p>
<h2>Example of an online event</h2>
<div class="wb-addcal provisional mrgn-bttm-md" typeof="Event">
<h3 property="name">Marsai Martin’s Picks for a Social Summer</h3>
<p property="description">There’s no time like summer for trying new things and meeting new people, especially if you’ve been feeling lonely.</p>
<p><strong>When:</strong> From <time property="startDate" datetime="2023-08-08 13:00-04:00">Tuesday, August 8, 2023 | 1:00 pm</time> to <time property="endDate" datetime="2023-08-08 15:30-04:00">3:30 pm</time></p>
<p property="location" typeof="VirtualLocation"><strong>Where:</strong> Online (<a href="https://virtual.event" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" property="url">https://virtual.event</a>)</p>
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