Feedback form


Project Lead: Paul Jackson (@pjackson28)


This component allows users to submit feedback for a specific Web page or the Web site in general.


  • Provides a common way for users to provide feedback
  • Makes it easier for users to provide helpful feedback
  • Hides the fields that users should not complete
  • Conforms to WCAG 2.0 AA
  • Uses WAI-ARIA to enhance accessibility
  • Progressive enhancement approach

Recommended usage

Common feedback form that is available from anywhere on a website.


Migrate the *.html files to the Web site's layout and design. The Reason for contacting us field can be selected on page load by adding feedback=[value] to the query string (e.g. feedback=web).



The feedback form is dependent upon the Form validation component and is styled by the CSS Grid System.

The code for the feedback form is located in several places within the source folder of WET:

Known Issues

  • Sending the submitted data to an email account may create security and privacy risks for certain types of data
  • Managing the submitted data without a database can result in more overhead

Version History

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