Meeting summary - WET-BOEW documentation
Summary of what has been discussed at meetings.
Monthly meeting
2024-10-31 (15 participants)
- Attendees department: CRA; PSPC; ESDC; SSC; NRCAN
- General:
- Debrief of recent releases;
- Honorable mentions :
- The topic page has been updated to the new template.
- The previous topic template will be deprecated during the next major release, expected in the coming month or early December. Custom styles used in version one will remain functional for at least one year following the official announcement email. After that period, the template will be removed unless further requests for extension are made or if it is determined that the old template is no longer in use.
- The GC Design System (GCDS) is still in its alpha state but is expected to be available soon. Migration is underway, with a pilot program planned for AEM authors and users to test GCDS cards on live pages. This will help evaluate the authoring experience, quality control, and performance, as well as identify any gaps or issues that need addressing.
- Update of Some of the features added since the last meeting:
- Stacked Header Pattern: A new pattern for stacked headers has been added. This now supports the hgroup element, and the style is applied inside the element. Further details will be shared after the release of the major GCWeb version.
- Simplified Page Details: The “Share This Page” feature has been removed from the page details section for simplicity. The revised version now has a more streamlined design with a single column layout.
- Topic Template Update: Modifications have been made to stabilize the template, including the removal of provisional classes in the code.
- Contributors and Social Media Components: These components have been updated for better integration and functionality.
- Experimental Feature Checklist: The checklist has been updated with better descriptions of the requirements and impacts on the department and public when experimental feature changes are introduced.
- Next coming weeks: * The GCDS pilot program will begin, inviting AEM authors and users to test the new system and provide feedback on the user experience, quality control, and page performance. * Final approval from senior management is required before going live with the GCDS cards in AEM.
- Questions/Comments:
- No questions or comments related to the recent or previous releases.
- discussions related to design systems.
2024-06-27 (11 participants)
- Attendees department: TBS; PSPC; SC; ESDC; SSC; NRCAN
- General:
- Debrief of recent releases;
- Honorable mentions :
- In a collaboration between PP and CDT, the process of moving from WET-BOEW/GCWeb towards the Design System has been initiated.
- As an experimentation, an integration of the card pattern of the Design System using the grid has been initiated by PP.
- For the next 12 months, Pierre and David will be working in ensuring that the look and feel of the GC Design System and GCWeb will be the same or as close as possible. When this is complete, GCWeb will be in maintenance only mode so the creation and migration of plugins will be in the Design System.
- Update of Some of the features added since the last meeting:
- Deprecation of V1 of the institutional landing page so in a year from now, related templates and CSS will be removed.
- Update of the “Canada and World” link in the footer.
- Next coming weeks: * Work on the topic and theme templates and integration to GCWeb and
- Questions/Comments:
- No questions or comments related to the recent or previous releases.
- discussions related to design systems.
2023-12-14 (19 participants)
- Attendees department: TBS; CRA; ESDC; NRCAN; SSC; PCO
- General :
- Update of Some of the important features added since the last meeting:
- The major release of GCWeb was out officializing the stabilization of the Page Feedback Tool (PFT), removing the soft launch alert from the documentation, and officially deprecating the report a problem but the code base is still there for at least a year for anyone to continue using it. If one would like to monitor or track their pages with the PFT, then the Digital Transformation Office (DTO) guidance should be followed.
- The GCWeb mailout for last major release v14.0.0 has been sent out successfully to its subscribers.
- An update was applied to the top menu first-level “Canada and the world” link: changing http to https.
- Added a new feature: Application template. This is to better align with the CDTS product.
- Its worth to mention that the recent release of this week has been deployed in GitHub only but won’t be deployed to AEM until around mid-January 2024.
- Update of Some of the important features added since the last meeting:
- Projects:
- Accessibility conformance to WCAG 2.1 AA: No major update since the last meeting.
- Experiments :
- The use of the term “Méli-mélo” was replaced by a more self-explanatory name as explained previously: The term “Experimental” is now used instead, despite that the term “Méli-mélo” will remain at a deeper technical level.
- Registry:
- DD-14: No update since the last meeting.
- Questions/Comments:
- No questions or comments related to the recent or previous releases.
- Active discussion about the exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) around the different departments; for coding support, text writing enhancements, and Generative AI amongst other subjects.
2023-11-02 (17 participants)
- Attendees department: TBS; CRA; CER; ESDC; SSC
- General :
- Honorable mention:
- PP was a part of a demo session of GC design system in action in collaboration with DTO recently.
- PFT: The plugin works well and ready to be released in AEM shortly.
- The major release that contains the PFT tool implementation is currently on hold, until an agreement between PP management, and DTO is settled.
- A newsletter will be sent just after the upcoming major release is live in, summarizing all the changes that have been done since the last major release of GCWeb, the last newsletter of the GCWeb v13.0.0 was sent in June.
- New documentation template developed and used in GCWeb documentation pages, for instance the documentation page of the page feedback tool where it is used to give instructions for different type of users/implementations: Standard mode (wet-boew), GCWeb Jekyll, and MWS users.
- Went over GitHub’s release notes added since the last meeting.
- Honorable mention:
- Projects:
- Accessibility project is still an active project among the priorities but no progress worth to mention yet since the last meeting.
- Registry:
- DD-14: No update since the last meeting.
- Questions/Comments:
- No questions or comments related to the recent or previous releases.
- A question about the possibility to have a guidance on how to use the new documentation template, the exact date for that not known yet, since the feature is still under experimentation and testing.
- Questions related to the possibility of customizing or changing the PFT “theme”; in fact, on AEM the “theme” will be automatically determined from the URL, but a “section” still can be set.
- Also, the difference between RAP and the PFT was clarified as the PFT will be proactive in a way that collect feedback from the client side unlike the RAP section used previously.
- Again for PFT, it was confirmed that the title does carry “-” since it is part of the title element of all pages on
2023-10-05 (14 participants)
- Attendees department: TBS; CRA; ESDC; NRCAN; SSC
- General :
- Update of Some of the important features added since the last meeting:
- The new plugin PFT (page feedback tool): is in the soft launch phase, the communication about that has not been sent yet, a few adjustments are still needed to stabilize the feature/plugin.
- Randomize plugin: Added attribute values in the randomization option: For instance, the ability to randomize the background image thanks to this new update.
- Data-json: added conditional template.
- Multimedia Player: Added full screen button to multimedia video controls for HTML and YouTube videos.
- Few patches were applied so far to the tag filter plugin which has been used recently in different projects and contexts such as the PSPC events calendar.
- Horizontal description List: Fix left alignment for long descriptions and improve the horizontal styling.
- New provisional feature added: Pagination plugin: It is now possible with this plugin to display pagination to data sets.
- GC feature link used on the home page and on institutional pages: Added different colors as requested by some institutions like the pink color or teal color for example.
- Honorable mention:
- A new section named “wet-boew” was added recently in the GCWeb home page which will contain from now on all the new features as well as the accessibility reports of wet-boew. This is a first step towards phasing out the WET-BOEW style guide.
- Update of Some of the important features added since the last meeting:
- Projects:
- Accessibility project is ongoing, all the working examples that are missing have been added in GCWeb, there are some PRs that are still in progress, some essential components are still being assessed for producing the accessibility reports in conformance to the WCAG 2.2 AA success criterion.
- Experiments :
- A new feature added recently is still under experimentation which allows us to know the distance in km between two locations, which will make it easy for users to select for example the nearest event to where they are located.
- The use of the term “Méli-mélo” will be replaced by a more self-explanatory name such as experimentation.
- It was explained during the meeting that the different “Méli-mélo” compilations are named after National Parks, for instance Kejimkujik.
- Registry:
- Reviewed DD-14: Update since the last meeting:
- Addition of the following dimension
- Basic HTML mode behaviour (testable)
- Technical accessibility consideration (informational)
- Other notable technical consideration (informational)
- Editorial change and defined some new terms to help with measuring and documenting the API state
- Renaming the defined “variant” for “change set”
- Renaming “Function, callback and events” for “logic”
- Term: variation, implementation, change set, iteration
- Addition of the following dimension
- Reviewed DD-14: Update since the last meeting:
- Questions/Comments:
- No questions or comments related to the recent or previous releases.
- Lively discussion related to the different design systems / styles; the move of DTO and CDS is estimated to have an impact on this situation, but nothing worth of mention yet.
2023-06-29 (19 participants)
- Attendees department: ESDC; NRCAN; CER; CRA; PCO; SSC
- General :
- Honorable mention:
- The changes listed in WET-BOEW release notes are from now on replicated in GCweb’s as well. Instead of having to read the release notes of both WET and GCWEB, we can now be aware of all the changes once we consult only the GCWEB release notes.
- Update of Some of the features added since the last meeting:
- Activated the provisional feature for data tables.
- Added an update for the Canada day style (Méli-mélo).
- Added a disclaimer update in the search template.
- Added a feature to JSON manager: which is a data layer that can transform the data presented from the client side allowing more flexibility.
- Updated the JSON fetch.
- Apply fixes to DATA-AJAX in order the trigger automatically the inserted WET content.
- Honorable mention:
- Projects:
- Accessibility: A big progress has been done so far since the last monthly meeting. All the components that are essential are almost done pre-assessing. Few more components might be split in order to make it easy to work on them.
- An accessibility conformance report will be created per component in order to assess the accuracy of the assessments completed; it is considered as a step-by-step methodology toward the performance report of WCAG 2.1 AA. This methodology allows subdividing the assessment into multiple small ones, the next step in this process will be the quality check according to the success criteria the work would be one of these three either (satisfied, not satisfied, or further testing needed).
- A new feature that allows to generate dynamically the pages in both languages (and multi languages if wanted) once we have one compliant JSON-LD report was added.
- A new feature that allows to add images or screen shots in the JSON file will be added soon, this feature is now under testing and will be included in one of the next releases of WET-BOEW.
- Registry:
- Reviewed DD-14: For defining Semantic Versioning public API for wet-boew, in terms of which aspect or dimension we need to monitor to decide if it’s a major, minor, or a patch a few updates to describe the different type of changes were added, the work on this page is still in continuous progress to improve the appearance and accuracy of it.
- Questions/Comments:
- No questions or comments related to the recent or previous releases.
- Discussion and questions related to the upcoming releases:
- Discussions related to the relevancy of the new feature coming soon of adding an image or a screenshot in the JSON file, further explanation was given to answer this question.
- Discussions related to the purpose of the “share this page” plugin and if it has been going into any recent review so we can remove it or change it. It’s been concluded that the plugin could be customizable/configurable so that one could decide which social media will be used to share the page.
2023-04-20 (12 participants)
- Attendees department: ESDC; NRCAN
- General:
- GCweb major version 13 was released on April 18: Few more adjustments were made to the version V6 of the footer. Therefore, the veterans link needs to be updated according to the latest version of the footer if the free style template is used.
- The GC web version 13 could not be released in AEM because of the ongoing labour disruption, however this has no impact nor side effect whatsoever on AEM authors and end users.
- Projects:
- Accessibility: In progress no major update to report since the last monthly meeting.
- A step-by-step accessibility instructions/ guidance in JSON-LD format report was added recently in wet-boew with the possibility to generate dynamically the pages in both language once we have one JSON-LD report.
- The feedback tool still in progress. No major update since the last meeting.
- Registry:
- Reviewed DD-15:
- Added section of usage of XML syntax in HTML was defined to alleviate concerns identified through discussions.
- Reviewed DD-14: Semantic Versioning public API for wet-boew, GCWeb and GCWeb Jekyll was presented, the work on this page is still in continuous progress to improve the appearance and accuracy of it.
- Reviewed DD-15:
- Questions/Comments:
- No questions or comments related to the recent or previous releases.
- Discussions related to the accessibility project progress from other departments point of view:
- There is still a lot of work to do to improve the accessibility in the different departments but going relatively “well” overall. That said, as long infographics and PDFS are still used, the complexity of improving the accessibility is considerable.
2023-03-29 (20 participants)
- Attendees department: TBS; CRA; ESDC; NRCAN; SSC; PCO
- General:
- Honorable mentions in recent releases since the last monthly meeting in WET :
- New provisional feature was added called Tag Filter plugin which is a good candidate to replace data table for a small set of data that is presented in a table, or in cards it allows to filter the data set needed.
- Honorable mentions in recent releases since the last monthly meeting in GCWEB:
- Report a Problem minor update, the JSON manager was added to it.
- Honorable mentions in recent releases since the last monthly meeting in WET :
- Projects:
- A major release of GCWEB is planned to be done in the next few weeks: once the coming updates happening now in addition to the new footer variant are applied properly, a GCWEB version 13 can be released.
- The possibility of presenting a prototype of how we should use a provisional feature such as GC Subway is still in progress it will probably be presented in an upcoming monthly meeting. To ensure that the departement using it is aware of the risk of a breaking change in case it is not implemented the way that it was designed for.
- Working on improving the page feedback tool in order to implement a new feedback pattern to eventually replace the RAP. Thanks to the JSON manager, the RAP is more independent and can give us more information from the client side.
- Accessibility project is progressing, some assessments has been published in GCWEB such as the ADD TO CALENDAR report page published recently.
- Instructions/Guidance on how to produce a JSON-LD and accepted conference report were released last week.
- Registry:
- Reviewed DD-14: Update since the last meeting: redefined and renamed parts of the API, such as:
- A new dimension was added for pattern recognition.
- Out of scope changes were defined and activity items were added.
- Reviewed DD-14: Update since the last meeting: redefined and renamed parts of the API, such as:
- Questions/Comments:
- No questions or comments related to the recent or previous releases.
2023-02-23 (19 participants)
- Attendees department: TBS; PCO; CRA; ESDC; SSC; NRCAN
- General:
- Debrief of recent releases;
- Honorable mentions :
- Json manager plugin Minor update (Added the web content extractor functionality during the json transformation)
- Apply fixes to GCSubway stabilization (not stable yet still working on its stabilization)
- Apply fixes to the doormat links (hotfix)
- Update the scrubbing script function to remove potential personal information from strings
- Projects:
- Accessibility: PP prioritizing the assessment of the most used components (193 ) identified in the WCAG UPGRADE 2023 List : few assessments have been done so far, the remaining assessments components are still in progress, and will be published for transparency
- Reviewed Scaffolding page component new feature under the common components Section added recently
- Accessibility: PP prioritizing the assessment of the most used components (193 ) identified in the WCAG UPGRADE 2023 List : few assessments have been done so far, the remaining assessments components are still in progress, and will be published for transparency
- Registry:
- Reviewed DD-14: No update needed since the last meeting: redefined and renamed parts of the API, such as:
- Measure has changed to Dimension
- Visual impact on end-user (public) still in Progress
- Evaluating additional options will be discussed in the next meeting (for instance adding a message on the top and the bottom of the page to inform users this page contains or uses provisional feature)
- Reviewed DD-14: No update needed since the last meeting: redefined and renamed parts of the API, such as:
- Questions/Comments:
- No questions or comments related to the recent or previous releases.
- discussions related to design systems
- Questions about the submission process of a new component for experimentation
- Joining the wet office hours to get the assistance needed, and suggesting to do more meetings especially to discuss system design issues were proposed.
2023-01-26 (23 participants)
- Attendees department: TBS; TBS (DTO); PCO; CRA; ESDC; ESDC (CDTS); ESDC (A11Y); SSC; NRCAN
- General:
- Debrief of recent releases;
- No honourable mentions.
- Projects:
- Accessibility: PP working on a complete list of components to assess; aiming for having WET fully compliant with WCAG 2.1 AA with respect with the April 2024 timeline on new content being published
- Experiments:
- Provided demo of SVG image map Méli-mélo
- Registry:
- Reviewed DD-14: redefined and renamed parts of the API, such as:
- interaction patterns into two groups
- Measure changed to Dimension
- Visual impact on end-user (public) will be presented during the next monthly meeting
- DD-12 discussed: Stacked header will be revisited and research completed eventually
- Nick raised a vague temporal marker “last summer”
- DD-15 update: status-quo, awaiting next step
- Eric to add comment about this topic
- Reviewed DD-14: redefined and renamed parts of the API, such as:
- Questions/Comments:
- Nick recommended better traceability for IE11 support
- Christopher proposed to have a banner for IE11 users, Pierre discussed feasibility but diverted the question to DTO (awaiting answer)
- Eric followed up with suggestion to add browser support as part of privacy links
2022-12-15 (16 participants)
- Attendees department: TBS; PCO; CRA; ESDC; SSC; IRCC
- Went through recent changes released
- Discussion about DD14 - Public API
- Proposed to split and redefine “Context of use” where “Context of use” explain where the component can be used and “Guidance” explain how to use it. Guidance remain out of scope of our public API event if we provide some instruction. Formal instruction will be provided by DTO for components used through GCWeb.
- Proposed to split and redefine “Interaction pattern” where “Essential component behaviour” will list of all essential interaction the component must support and “Function, callback and events” for how a JS API can interact with the component.
- Discussed about “Feature removal” step.
- Eric D. mentioned we should only search on publisher instance instead of author instance because ESDC are using the author instance for their offline archive.
- Discussion about DD15 - Self-closing tag
- Link to the discussion posted, DD still in draft
- Discussion about DD12 - Double h1
- Need to be mark as “Need to be review” because the HTML5 spec has been recently updated and a few discussion on document outline are closed.
- Quickly review the project page.
2022-11-17 (~12 participants)
- Attendees department: TBS; TBS (DTO); PCO; ESDC; ESDC (PP); ESDC (Accessibility)
- Presented the Design Decision 15 about self closing element coding practice. A new discussion will be created on wet-boew to gather more feedback.
- Presented update to Design Decision 14 on versioning
- Includes essentials files in the public API
- Deprecation will last for at least 1 one year from a functional point of view but no gua
- Asked for feedback on the first mailing on GCWeb update, it was sent only to members of the monthly meeting but others, limited to GC, can subscribe.
- Major change described by GCWeb v12.0.0 must not be applied, please wait for GCWeb v13.0.0 and guidance from DTO
- Went through all recents changes in wet-boew and GCWeb
- David asked about whether “Bootstrap class names are the same in Bootstrap 4 vs 5:
- Further discussion will be needed in the future
- Migration script, at least the logic, will be available to implementer but not until at least after WET 5.0 is released.
2022-10-20 (13 participants)
- Attendees department: TBS; TBS (DTO); ESDC; ESDC (PP); ESDC (Accessibility)
- Quick overview of the changes from the last release
- Github issue: We are brainstorming idea to find a way to follow up and eventually resolve reported issue.
- Discuss about DD14 and that we are working on improving it.
- PP will send a email for every major update that required author/implementer action or every 1-2 month. The message are going to be send to WET-BOEW monthly participant.
- Revised schedule for the deployment of GCWeb on Technical review are now on Monday, Releases on Tuesday and, upon Principal Publisher senior manager approval, we are aiming for a deployment on the following Thursday or the next Tuesday as a fallback.
- WCAG update: Progressing slowly, still reviewing the completed assessment
- GCWeb implementation: PP will review the documentation and make updates.
2022-09-22 (18 participants)
- Attendees department: TBS; TBS (DTO); ESDC; ESDC (PP); ESDC (CDTS); ESDC (Accessibility); NRCAN; SSC;
- Overview of the last release of GCWeb and of WET-BOEW.
- Quick talk about méli-mélo project in GCWeb
- Overview of the progress on our accessbility upgrade 2022 project. An initial assessment of a few wet-boew feature was already completed.
- Quick presentation of our Accessibility Conformance Report in JSON-LD.
- Demotion of untracked/stale provisional feature. We still have the intend to remove:
- Background image heading
- Light warning icon
- Chat wizard
- Presented the update of the Design Decision draft 14 about an improvement of our semantic versioning API.
- A member has mentionned about our issue tracker which is stale, not folllowed up and only grow bigger with the past year. The member would like Principal Publisher to take an action on this. Principal publisher are limited with the number of resouces available to work on it. The following are a braindstorm short list of the propostion to the adddress and fix reported issue.
- Close only the issue tracker.
- Make (reiterate) our management aware to find budget to tackle the backlog
- Associate the issue in a dedicated project to favorized community to find and fix issues.
- For each feature, automate the reported issue in its documentations.
2022-06-23 (11 participants)
- Attendees department: PCO; TBS; TBS-DTO; ESDC; ESDC-PP; SSC; CRA
- Overview of the last release of GCWeb and WET-BOEW
- Presented Design Decision 14 about an improvement of our semantic versionning API
2022-05-19 (19 participants)
- Attendees department: PCO; TBS; TBS-DTO; ESDC; ESDC-PP; SSC; NRCAN; PWGSC; CRA
- Went through the recent change we made to wet-boew and gcweb
- Releases: jQuery fix and others…
- Honourable mentions: Méli-mélo & Thématique feature + Documentation, ongoing enhancement of templates and components documentation, releases are possible within 1 week on, WET 5 is slowly moving forward
- Reviewed the project tracking lists
- Accessibility project: Conformance to WCAG 2.2 AA (ongoing)
- Going over provisional features, méli-mélos and thematics:
- Méli-mélos: Steps and conditional And/Or from CRA
- Thematic: Canada day from PCH
- Marking the following provisional feature deprecated for move as méli-mélo feature this autumn: Postponed to next Monthly meeting
- Present and/or review Design decision:
- Postponed to next Monthly meeting
- Questions, comments & notes:
- Note: Utility is mispelled on the WET page
- Suggestion from CRA: DOM Purify could have an exception for target blank if noopener and noreferrer are set
- Suggestion from PCO: Look into two-factor authentication on GitHub
2021-06-23 (10 participants)
- Attendees separtment: PCO; TBS-DTO; ESDC-PP; ESDC; CRA; TBS; ESDC-CDTS
- Went through the recent change we made to wet-boew and gcweb
- Releases
- Méli-mélo feature
- Thématique feature
- Added/New features
- Reviewed the project tracking lists
- Marking the following provisional feature deprecated for move as méli-mélo feature this autumn:
- Background image heading
- Light warning icon
- Chat wizard
- CRA raised a multimedia player issue for YouTube video when used with the do-action plugin. Github issue: #9123
- Discussed about the provisional GC table and the idea of bring it as a core wet-boew feature.
- Responsible table for mobile view was discussed.
- Suggested by CRA to make gc-think-line the new baseline for the h1 underline
Addtional notes
* Discussed on Product life cycle: Meli melo (~ alpha) > Provisional (~ beta) > Stable version. * Attendees are invited to Code sprint to discuss new projects. - * Suggested by Nick (TBS), to add a JS/CSS loader for Méli-mélo feature and GC Thématique feature * Testing (including accessibility standards assessment) should be completed by the contributor for méli-mélo and thématique feature. * Peer review process was explained. * When GCWeb is updated, GCWeb Jekyll will be updated/rebuilt accordingly. * David (TBS-DTO) is working on documenting GCWeb Jekyll according to it's API here: (6 participants)
- Reviewed the project list status
- Overview of the méli-mélo feature in development
- Mentioned that accentuated character don’t exist on all keyboard, suggestion to have a grunt task un-accentuated.
- Mention of creating a GCWeb Jekyll theme variant
- Chat box was renamed to Common chat experience
2021-01-13 (4 participants)
- Reviewed the project list status
2020-12-02 (6 participants)
- Reviewed the project list status
- The following Design decision was approved
- DD-11 - Resize
- DD-13 - Reduce aggressiveness of form validation plugin
- Discussion about DD-12 - Double h1
- David E. want to add a paragraph about when to use this pattern and to only considerate it for special use case.
- Pierre D. will add a reference ot the screen reader test that was run.
- DTO has updated the guidance on to not use the Carrousel. We would add it to the carrousel working example once we get the text.
- It was requested to re-word the Status column in the GCWeb Provisional features.
- The following provisional feature will become stable
- bg-img
- bg-cover
- bg-img-srcset
- randomize
- postback
- bg-center
- bg-darker - Will be moved into wet-boew core
- (GCWeb only) bg-gctheme
- (GCWeb only) alert-*
- (GCWeb only) gc-tickline
2020-09-10 (10 participants)
- Quick review of the list of projects.
- Presentation of Design Decision #13; WCAG references must be added.
- Design Decision #12 was revisited and content must be added;
- Design Decision #11 was revisited and content must be added.
- Review of provisional features.
- Round table:
- Waiting on TBS for a formal request to force departments not to use the carousel;
- Normalizing font sizes all accross (form, buttons, etc.) is becoming a priority for TBS.
2020-07-13 (8 participants)
- Quick review of the list of projects.
- Presentation of Design Decision #12; an formal example must be added.
- Design Decision #11 was reviewed and content must be added.
- Review of provisional features:
- “.bg-cover” will gradutate to stable;
- “data-wb-randomize” will graduate to stable, but will need documentation;
- “.bg-img-hdng” will be deprecated.
- Round table:
- True dark theme was mentioned and is a very low priority;
- It was asked to remove the carousel plugin, consequently:
- It was suggested to add a blurb at the top of plugins or components that mentions “Under review”;
- It was recommended to add such blurb at the top of alerts.
- There is a need to normalize font sizes all accross (form, buttons, etc.).
2020-06-10 (6 participants)
- Quick review of the list of projects.
- Presentation of Design Decision #11 about zooming for accessibility; a review was asked.
- First review of provisional features one-by-one; process to be reviewed.
- “.bg-cover” (in conclusion to the exchange of arguments) and “data-wb-randomize” will gradutate to stable; “.bg-img-hdng” will be deprecated; the rest remains as-is.
- It was mentioned that all spacing classes from Bootstrap 4 should be added.
- CRA mentioned they are going to be using “data-bgimg”
- “.bg-cover” (in conclusion to the exchange of arguments) and “data-wb-randomize” will gradutate to stable; “.bg-img-hdng” will be deprecated; the rest remains as-is.
- Briefly discussed about institutions’ custom code approach, called “meli-melo”
2020-01-15 (6 participants)
- Review list of projects
- Approval of design decision #9 and #10
- Question was asked regarding floating images and floating content block vs meeting the accessibility.
- Mention that we are going to publish the accessibility report completed last summer.
- Briefly discuss of the improved service initiation pages (Child benefit) and the work that are going to be completed.
2019-12-18 (6 participants)
- Review list of projects
- Will add new project for the integration of new design pattern in theme
- New Service Initiation Template developped by CRA
- New Institutional profile template developped by CRA
- Going to open a new github issue on GCWeb to talk about multiple h1 on the same page.
- Will add new project for the integration of new design pattern in theme
- Presented the update to design decision #9
- Presented the design decision #10, which will obselete design decision #7
2019-10-23 (6 participants)
- Review list of projects
- Added instruction on how to contribute at the accessiblity project
- Add to calendar project has a new lead: Eric Guitar
- Approval of decision #7
- Approval of decision #8
- Presented decision #9 - Release early, release often (STR)
- Reviewed and approved to move all current bootstrap 4 gcweb experimental CSS into wet-beow stable
2019-09-20 (6 participants)
- Added Flat checkbox/radio button project for theme
- Approval of decision #6 on Versionning
- Postpone approval of decision #7 on Experimental feature
- David E. from TBS want to discuss it with his peers before.
- Want to avoid waste or ressource where TBS are looking to release testing environment called Alpha and Beta web site for theme.
- Presetation of Design Decision #8
- Propose change id “#json-ld” for “#wb-script”
- Added the flat checkbox project
- Project completed
- HTML table CSV
- Accessibility - Assessment tool for WCAG 2.1 AA/AAA
2019-08- (1 participant) Meeting was canceled
2019-07-24 (3 participants)
Update project status Added Web Controls Library .NET project Long documents project move as going stale Annouced the idea of having “long term” releases. Discussed about updating outdated Node packages. Announced the creation of a Web Accessibility Working Group that will be assessing WCAG2.1 on the WET-BOEW.
2019-06-20 (4 participants)
- Update project status
- Added Web Controls Library .NET project
- Long documents project move as going stale
- Annouced the wet-boew v4.0.31 and gcweb 5.2 release are going to be this week.
2019-05-16 (5 participants)
- Update project status
- Discussed on a deployement strategy for JQuery 3 migration which we will provide some experimental stable build.
- Presented Design decision 6 on versionning
- Presented Design decision 7 on experimental feature
- WET Codefest 2019 event was put on hold/canceled but it will be reevaluated next August.
2019-04-24 (2 participants)
- Update project status
- New project initiated: “Add to calendar”
- Step forms project almost ready to submit PR
- New wet-boew project for .NET component - wet-boew-dotnet-controls
2019-03-21 (3 participants)
- Update projects status
- Re-activated project
- Step forms
- Completed project
- Geomap - Upgrade to open layer v3.x
- WET 4.0.31 and GCWeb 5.1.0 might be released in April instead of June. If those are released, in June WET 4.0.32 and GCWeb 5.2.0 will be the new planned release.
- Next meeting invite will be sent in the comming weeks.
2019-02-21 (6 participants)
- Update the status of all project
- New project
- Chat wizard
- Migration to jQuery 3
- Mentionned wet-boew v4.0.30 and gcweb v5.0 has been released
- Quick walktrough of the gcweb v5.0 release note and accompagning technical documentation
- Announced the Roadmap meeting would be held every 2 month now on.
- Next meeting invite are going to be sent out within the next two weeks
2019-01-17 Meeting canceled
2018-12-17 (4 participants )
- Briefly showed the last update that are applied to GCWeb and going to be applied to
- WET codefest organising commitee has initiated the planning work for the event. The date and location are not set yet.
- Re-iterated about the versionning number that GCWeb are going to use.
2018-11-15 - ( 6 participants )
- Briefly presented the new major changes that are applied to GCWeb. The list of all changes are published in the GCWeb theme documentation and migration instruction are available for implementer.
- For the version number attached with GCWeb release we have discussed the idea of changing how that is done. It was proposed to have a number that are going to reflect the actual changes made to the theme instead of being in the shadow of the release of wet-boew main project. For example the current redesign, name coded “gcweb v2”, require major markup change and introduce a completed reviewed menu which would not be aligned anymore with the wet-boew menu plugin. It was suggested to simply rename the repository and then do the release with the revised version number. An issue on the gcweb github repository would be open to get the communauty feedback.
- In the light of deploying the new gcweb look in december, it was suggested to release WET 4.0.30 at the same time. It was noted that is planned in the current roadmap to release WET 4.0.30 for January 17. So, we might only do a “pre-release” of GCWeb in december and in January/February we might release it with the new version number, like v2.0.
- Brief review of all projects, there was no updates except the long documents project has made some progess.
- Codefest - Kick off meeting sent and scheduled for November 20
- We discussed the idea of having the second hours of the WET roadmap reserved to raise awarness on accessibility, openely discuss about web publishing best practice or a presentation how to use WET in a efficient way. A separate invitation would be sent. The target audience are going to be the same as it was for the “Center of Expertise” and web publisher interested in the presented topic. It was suggested the topic are going to be sent two weeks in advance. The idea was well received.
2018-10-18 - ( 5 participants )
- Review of all projects
- As discused at the last meeting, now there is a WET 5 summary page.
- Codefest - Kick off meeting for the planning commitee will be between October 29 - November 2
- Approval of Design Decision #5 - Migration strategy from WET 4 to WET 5
- Redesign of a few components in GCWeb are in progress
- Summarized a discussion that happened during wet-boew technical review about to use figure vs heading structure. Related to GCWeb #1408 The tehcnical review group were no real preference from a technical stand point, both semantic was fine to list features. It was agree that was more a personal choice of the developer.
2018-09-27 - ( 5 participants )
- Review of all projects
- WET 4.0.29 was released
- Mentionned the upcomming WET code sprint would be structured and focused to deliver the new look of
- Presentation of Design Decision draft 2018-5 for the migration strategy of the WET 5 and WET 4 github content
- Announced that we are looking for participants to create a WET-BOEW Codefest 2018/2019 planning commitee.
- Summary of the presentation of WET 5 demo
- WET 5 - Key navigation demo
- Did a quick demo and overview of WET 5 alpha early prototype
- Discussed and some questions was asked about the current WET 5 approach as demo’ed by the prototype.
- What would replace the basic HTML mode? Answer: There is no basic HTML mode possible with that design approach.
- It is know in the communauty the purpose of WET framework is to help web publisher to meet easier the web accessibility guideline. It was noted that:
- Having a such (WET 5) library, there is a high risk that web publisher could avoid to meet the accessibility requirement in order to meet internal goal, especially with short timeline. Answer: Need to be discussed.
- More error prone to accessibility error for people with average/low web accessiblity skill. Answer: Need to be discussed.
- May enforce each team to have their own accessiblity expert. Answer: Need to be discussed.
- What is the advantage of WET 5 library compared to other library? Answer: Need to be discussed.
- That library look like to solve a web content managment system (CMS) design issue [1] rather than helping the web publisher to meet web accessibility standard. Answer: Need to be discussed. [1] A CMS like where web publisher can’t add any custom JS/CSS code.
- By using that UI design approach, it may require department to hire more web accessiblity expert. Answer: Need to be discussed.
- HTML snipped will be provided which it will be recognied to meet the accessibility guideline. But what if there is an update at that snipped? It looks like that may result with more maintenance work for the web publishing team. Answer: Need to be discussed.
- WET 5, as current, related question and discussion will be recorded and managed via a dedicated research page.
2018-08-24 ( 11 participants )
- Review of all the projects
- It was noted the plugin “Country content” is now broken because of the API freegeoip has recently changed.
- Related to issue:
- Announced that WET 4.0.29 will be released in the following weeks
- The WET 5 presentation was reported to the following week. Details for WET 5 will be published here.
2018-07-26 ( 10 participants )
- Review of all the projects
- Presented an early draft of the first test suites we would have in WET.
- Heading inside
- Heading inside
- Presented the new GCWeb home page
- More aligned with the Content and IA spec structure
- Status label to show the current conformance and backlog items
- Would be possible to have a detailled history and analysis done for each template. Like the index pages.
- Can include departemental specific template. Like ESDC campaing template
- WET 5
- Briefly walked through the work done for the prototype
- Next WET Roadmap meeting, it will be a presentation of a “functional” WET 5 prototype which should be available to initiate some testing.
- Will focus on a Data first design approach.
- Test suite and potential future design decision (Best practice)
- Test suites for heading inside
element once completed may result by drafting a new Design decision - Some work will be intiated to draft a best practice to avoid to use
attribute. Once the test suites created, tested and the design decision drafted/approved then any CSS customization for the placeholder attribute and related issue about a non-conforming color contrast issue might be close. It’s behaviour would be fully delegated to how Browser vendor implement that feature and we will promote and update our working example to not use theplaceholder
- Test suites for heading inside
2018-06-20 ( 6 participants )
- Desing decision approved:
- Design decision 4: Basic HTML mode and progressive enhancement
- Review list of projects and added a few inactive known projects in order to expose them better.
2018-05-17 ( 6 participants )
- Design decision:
- Design decision 3: WET API/Blueprint
- Approved
- 2018-4: Basic HTML and progressive enhancement
- Waiting for more feedback, see #8357
- Design decision 3: WET API/Blueprint
2018-04-19 ( 9 participants )
- Design decision approved:
- Design decision 1: Use SVG with img element instead of object
- Design decision 2: Browser supported
- Design proposal :
- 2018-4: Basic HTML and progressive enhancement
- 2018-5: WET API/Blueprint
- UX research :
- Filtering interface with performance meter
2018-03-14 ( 9 participants )
- Re-introduce and walk through the new wet-boew documentation website.
- We openly discussed about the current projects like the design system and the accessiblity project.
- Introduced and general discussion about what each section means and their purpose.
- We have talk, high level discussion, about what are the requirement for next version of WET. Like the need to better support web apps, be more modular, be less opiniated, have an easy way to setup dev environment (build)
- Collected a list of interested member to be part of a WB5 committee/group/task force.
- WB5 commitee will report to roadmap and wb5 discussion would be aside the roadmap meeting
2018-02-23 ( 2 participants )
- Introduce and walk through the new wet-boew documentation website.
- Improvement for the wet-boew documentation are welcome, submit your suggestion through a github issue or a PR.
Technical review
Technical review meeting are out of scope by default unless there is a project interest.
2018-04-11 ( 4 paticipants )
- WET feature API/Blueprint
- It should include the translation string
- i18n (brainstorming)
- French and English are the official supported language.
- Use of other language that is not officially supported would be the responsibility of the person/organisation that require to use it. Our i18n design approach would need to continue to support the possibility of having multiple/infinity language. A notice explaining that approach would be included near the i18n information. 2018-04-05 ( 4 participants )
- Talk about what browser is supported for current release of WET
- 5% and more from statistic
- Latest and previous released version of major desktop and mobile browser
- FF, FF ESR, Chrome, IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome mobile, Safari mobile
- Running on Windows 7, Windows 10, android, iOS, MacOS
- Update the prefix CSS tool wet-boew issues #8339
- Update the browser list for saucelab testing browser.json
- wet-boew issue #7631 - Moving the italic issue forward, the next step are:
- Create a page that summarize the issue, the real concern and the suggested fixes.
- Poke the communauty and the appropriate web standards office
- Define a usability testing plan and create test cases of the issue and the suggested fixes.
- Goal: obtain enough data to create a design decision
- At the end, a design desion will be released with
- Suggested to use documentation badge like :
- Suggested to review how we use SauceLabs (it was timing out) and re-activate it
- Try to move forward the Issue template - wet-boew issues 8316
- Nick will look at how we can implement AMD for wet feature.
2018-02-28 ( 6 participants )
- Member as been requested to send their priority issue they want to move forward
- Identify for the next meeting Github wet-boew repository that have a low/no activity and close their issue tracker.
- This is to ease maintenance as new issue or updated issue wont be look at.
- Issue about those repository would be reported to the wet-boew main project
- Suggestion on those closed repository:
- Mention in the repo description that issue can be submited in the wet-boew main project
- Modify the readme and explain how to submit a issue through the wet-boew main project.
- Suggestions: Create a template file to provide more guidance for when submiting new issue on Github
- Eric D. would look to submit a PR
Special meeting
WET 5 initial prototype - August 31
Documenation material presented
16 participant (8 in person and 8 in teleconference)
- Presentation of the context of WET 5
- Demonstration of the WET 5 alpha prototype by Mario B.
- Show what the end user will see
- Show how interaction pattern are implemented directly in the HTML in-page markup
- Explained that no build script is required to develop, it use Require.js for dependency loading
- Explained there is no component, all the logic via a “gear” are configured in the HTML markup
- Explained the WET 5 loader, which leverage the CSS 3 animation event in order to be trigger.
- WET 5 web page only support one mode, the standard mode.
- Explained how a “gear” (a javascript module compatible with the new WET5 architecture) are working
- Created a new “gear” and it was ready to use upon its creation.
- Show an enhancer hidden in WET 5 where it highlights area in the web page that are more prone to accessibility error.
Prototype available here:
To setup the prototype you need:
- Download the files and extract it in a Apache HTTP Server. Apache HTTP Server is required to apply the server side include.
- Ensure the HTTP server support the URL rewrite
- If it don’t support Apache Server will return you an error. In that situation, open up the .htaccess file located in “stacks/src” and remove the line that do the URL rewrite.
- The working example is located at: stacks/docs/index.html
- The Javascript file is located at: stacks/src
WET 5 Kickoff - May 10
Documentation material presented
15 participant (8 in person and 7 in teleconference)
- The high level concept for WET 5 core was well received.
- It was suggested to switch over ES6 and use thrid party service such Babel to run ES6 on browser that don’t support it
- Some concern was express in regards of what the build system could be to support the WET 5 product.
- It was recommended to documents and do more research about the needs from the user of WET.
- Next WET 5 meeting would be more topic specific, like focusing on the core, the build, testing, etc.
- The overall project monitoring will be done through the WET Roadmap meeting.
List of todo:
- Reach out and try to being active on social media.
- Create a page with of thing that need to be addressed and/or taken care of.
- Build small prototype and have it tested with different audience (web developer, web author, WET core developer)
- Produce a documentation that could be easilly aligned with the TBS Digital Standard
- Find contributor across the spectrum and seek their feedback on the product.
- Develop a plan and a strategy to address concern between moving from WET 4 to WET 5.
- Develop a plan and a strategy to address some WET user fears, like removing the jQuery library from WET core.
- Use a top bar overlay to advertise the user that he are in the Basic HTML mode
- Having two build system, one for quick local developpement and the full build that may require nodeJS. Some opposition was expressed about having two different type of build.
- Support and promote mobile first design
- Create a business plan about the markup for WET 5, use focus group and explore if it makes senses
- Consider a way to have organisation to lead some WET plugin.