Meeting summary - WET-BOEW documentation

Summary of what has been discussed at meetings.

Monthly meeting

2024-10-31 (15 participants)

2024-06-27 (11 participants)

2023-12-14 (19 participants)

2023-11-02 (17 participants)

2023-10-05 (14 participants)

2023-06-29 (19 participants)

2023-04-20 (12 participants)

2023-03-29 (20 participants)

2023-02-23 (19 participants)

2023-01-26 (23 participants)

2022-12-15 (16 participants)

2022-11-17 (~12 participants)

2022-10-20 (13 participants)

2022-09-22 (18 participants)

2022-06-23 (11 participants)

2022-05-19 (19 participants)

2021-06-23 (10 participants)

Addtional notes * Discussed on Product life cycle: Meli melo (~ alpha) > Provisional (~ beta) > Stable version. * Attendees are invited to Code sprint to discuss new projects. - * Suggested by Nick (TBS), to add a JS/CSS loader for Méli-mélo feature and GC Thématique feature * Testing (including accessibility standards assessment) should be completed by the contributor for méli-mélo and thématique feature. * Peer review process was explained. * When GCWeb is updated, GCWeb Jekyll will be updated/rebuilt accordingly. * David (TBS-DTO) is working on documenting GCWeb Jekyll according to it's API here:

2021-02-25 (6 participants)

2021-01-13 (4 participants)

2020-12-02 (6 participants)

2020-09-10 (10 participants)

2020-07-13 (8 participants)

2020-06-10 (6 participants)

2020-01-15 (6 participants)

2019-12-18 (6 participants)

2019-10-23 (6 participants)

2019-09-20 (6 participants)

2019-08- (1 participant) Meeting was canceled

2019-07-24 (3 participants)

Update project status Added Web Controls Library .NET project Long documents project move as going stale Annouced the idea of having “long term” releases. Discussed about updating outdated Node packages. Announced the creation of a Web Accessibility Working Group that will be assessing WCAG2.1 on the WET-BOEW.

2019-06-20 (4 participants)

2019-05-16 (5 participants)

2019-04-24 (2 participants)

2019-03-21 (3 participants)

2019-02-21 (6 participants)

2019-01-17 Meeting canceled

2018-12-17 (4 participants )

2018-11-15 - ( 6 participants )

2018-10-18 - ( 5 participants )

2018-09-27 - ( 5 participants )

2018-08-24 ( 11 participants )

2018-07-26 ( 10 participants )

2018-06-20 ( 6 participants )

2018-05-17 ( 6 participants )

2018-04-19 ( 9 participants )

2018-03-14 ( 9 participants )

2018-02-23 ( 2 participants )

Technical review

Technical review meeting are out of scope by default unless there is a project interest.

2018-04-11 ( 4 paticipants )

2018-02-28 ( 6 participants )

Special meeting

WET 5 initial prototype - August 31

Documenation material presented

16 participant (8 in person and 8 in teleconference)


Prototype available here:

To setup the prototype you need:

WET 5 Kickoff - May 10

Documentation material presented

15 participant (8 in person and 7 in teleconference)


List of todo:
