2018-2 - Browser usage and platform - Web Experience Toolkit (WET) documentation
Environmental scan of top browser and platforms statistic in order to provide guidance for testing and to better define what browser need to be supported. Usually, the browser supported include the popular ones and the latest version of every major browser.
List of top browser (Conclusion)
- Chrome
- Chrome mobile
- Safari
- Mobile Safari
- Firefox
- IE11
- Edge
- Central agency website using WET - March 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018
- W3Counter - February 2018
- StatCounter Worldwide - February 2018
- StatCounter Canada - February 2018
- Wikimedia - March 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018
- NetMarketShare - March 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018
Central agency website using WET
Period: March 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018
The following list of browser and platform are ordered by the usage statistic percentage. The source and the actual value can’t be disclosed.
- IE11
- Chrome
- Safari
- Mobile Safari
The following are above the threshold
- Chrome Mobile
- Edge
- Firefox
- Samsung
- Windows 7
- Windows 10
- Android
The following are above the threshold
- Windows 8.1
- Mobile iOS
- OS X
Period: February 2018
Source: https://www.w3counter.com/globalstats.php?year=2018&month=2
- Chrome: 59.9%
- Safari: 15.7%
- Firefox 8.5%
- Internet Explorer and Edge: 7.3%
- Opera: 3.4%
Aside: IE11 is 2.90%
- Windows 10: 15.96%
- Windows 7: 15.92%
- Android 7: 12.86%
- iOS 11: 11.46%
- Android 6 10.09%
- Android 5: 8.03%
- Android 4: 5.10%
- Mac OS X: 4.61%
- Windows 8.1: 3.02%
- iOS 10: 2.73%
StatCounter - Worldwide
Period: February 2018
Source: http://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share
- Chrome: 57.46%
- Safari: 14.39%
- UC Browser: 7.91%
- Firefox: 5.5%
- Opera: 3.69%
- IE: 3.06%
Source: http://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share
- Android: 40.11%
- Windows: 39.69%
- iOS: 13.06%
- OS X: 5.45%
- Unknown: 2.46%
- Linux: 0.67%
StatCounter - Canada
Period: February 2018
Source: http://gs.statcounter.com/browser-market-share/all/canada
- Chrome: 47.95%
- Safari: 29.53%
- IE: 6.63%
- Firefox: 6.07%
- Edge: 3.98%
- Samsung Internet: 2.18%
Source: http://gs.statcounter.com/os-market-share/all/canada
- Windows: 41.72%
- iOS: 25.7%
- Android: 17.79%
- OS X: 11.73%
- Linux: 0.89%
- Chrome OS: 0.75%
Period: March 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018
Source: https://analytics.wikimedia.org/dashboards/browsers/#all-sites-by-browser
- Chrome Mobile: 24%
- Chrome: 23%
- Mobile Safari: 19%
- Other: 10%
- IE: 7.6% (IE11: 4.1%)
- Firefox: 6.2%
- Safari: 2.7%
- Edge: 1.9%
- Android: 1.1%
Period: March 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018
- Chrome: 58.57%
- Safari: 17.15%
- Firefox: 6.61%
- Internet Explorer: 6.52%
- Edge: 2.11%
- UC Browser: 1.97%
- Android Browser: 1.37%
- Opera Mini: 1.27%
- Windows: 45.09%
- Android: 16.03%
- iOS: 16.03%
- Mac OS: 4.27%
- Linux: 1.20%
- Unknown: 0.27%
- Series 40: 0.26%
- Chrome OS: 0.16%