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Chat wizard JSON - Provisional feature

Unstable feature

To be used at your own risks. All functionalities described below could be removed in any subsequent minor/major release and are excluded from the GCWeb public API.

Documentation and/or working examples for those features could be incomplete or not available.

See all provisional features.

Below is the code to achieve the demo on this page with a JSON file.

<aside class="wb-chtwzrd" data-wb-chtwzrd-src="2019-assets/chtwzrd-v1/manual-form.json"></aside>

Check out he JSON file to get a grasp of how it is done.

<aside class="provisional wb-chtwzrd" data-wb-chtwzrd-src="demo/manual-form.json"></aside>

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Paragraph - default appearance


  1. ordered list (ol) - level 1
  2. ordered list (ol) - level 1
    1. ordered list (ol) - level 2
    2. ordered list (ol) - level 2
      1. ordered list (ol) - level 3
      2. ordered list (ol) - level 3
Table caption
Table header (th) Table header (th) Table header (th) Table header (th)
Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td)
Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td)
Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td) Table data (td)


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