Basic HTML

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Enable Basic HTML Mode on any given page to simplify the readability of the page by executing the bare minimum DOM manipulations.

How to implement

To enable the basic HTML mode, you only have to add the parameter ?wbdisable=true to your URL. For example:

<a href="">Switch to basic HTML mode</a>

To disable the basic HTML mode, you only have to add the parameter ?wbdisable=false to your URL. For example:

<a href="">Switch to basic HTML mode</a>

Working example

Plugins allowed to bypass basic HTML mode

Some WET-BOEW plugins can be executed normally when displaying the basic HTML version of a page. Here is the list:

To authorize the execution of one of these plugins in basic HTML version, you only have to add the CSS class .wb-disable-allow on the element. For example:

<div class="wb-disable-allow" data-wb-ajax='{ "url": "ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html" }'></div>
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