ChangeLog de la version 3.1

Voir Contrôle des versions pour la signification de chaque numéro de version.


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Archived: Moved explanatory archived message to within archived section and corrected heading
  • Archived: Changed background and border colour to yellow and corrected icon size
  • Demos: Removed SSI variant's demos landing page due to decommissioned links.


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Grids: Added medium view support for nesting a span-3 in a span-4
  • Menu: Fixed cursor and underlining of hover states of menu bar
  • Tables: Added sorting for currency and formatted numbers
  • WET theme: Aligned site menu with the v4.0 site menu
  • All themes: Removed links from footer headings


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • GCWU theme: Fixed markup validation errors
  • GCWU theme: Corrected footer links and shortened to domain names where possible
  • GCWU theme: Removed box shadow from site menu sub-menu
  • All themes: Changed lines separating menu bar links to grey
  • All themes: Fixed menu link separator for links in the active state
  • Fixed validation error with favicon reference
  • Added wb-navcurr styling to mega menu
  • Made footer visible in medium view
  • Grids: Made button height consistent within button groups
  • Tabbed interface: Now ignoring keystrokes modifed by the control, alt and meta keys
  • Calendar of Events: Removed role='application'
  • Date picker: Changed focus behaviour on toggle
  • Form validation: Added postcodeCA method to jquery validation and HTML demos in both languages


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Updated references to
  • Migrated documentation from GitHub wiki to HTML pages in the docs folder
  • Fixed overlapping issue with archived notice and same page links
  • Fixed BlackBerry 10 localStorage issue
  • Fixed Form validation field focus
  • Tables: Prevented IE10+ from displaying x button on filter field
  • Tabs: Fixed saving of user's last visited tab


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Session timeout: Reverted back to displaying the time that the session will expire
  • Session timeout: Added missing language translations
  • Multimedia player: Reverted back to the pseudo-streaming functionality for the Flash fallback
  • Tabbed interface: Fixed tabs roller issue with tabs-style-2 in IE8
  • Table enhancement: Prevented overlapping of text and sorting buttons for narrow columns
  • Datepicker: Enhanced date format example for screen reader users and removed from the toggle button alt text
  • Events Calendar: Fixed off-by-one error in multi-day events
  • Grids: Added line height classes to print CSS
  • GC Web Usability theme: Fixed theme.js to consider Coat of Arms as well as the standard FIP signature
  • Fixed left padding issue in dual icon scenarios
  • Fixed legend element font sizing
  • Fixed jQuery Mobile bugs with certain form fields (.data-group input, .data-group button, input[search])


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Session timeout: added missing timeout messages (fixes #3354)


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Form validation: Fixed for attribute, ariaLive and clearing errors
  • Session timeout: Improved usability of timeout message and fixed numeours bugs
  • Tabbed interface: Fixed mobile tab creation
  • Lightbox: Fixed bugs that prevented WAI-ARIA enhancement and POST actions
  • i18n: Updated strings
  • Removed all -eng and -fra files except for the ones in the root and the demos folder root


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Migration: Changed file name suffixes from -eng/-fra to -en/-fr to align with HTML5 conventions and to prepare for WET v4.0. The -eng/-fra files will be maintained for a period time to assist search engines with the transitions and to avoid breaking content.
  • Fixed handling of left mouse buttons clicks in IE8 on same-page links.
  • Multimedia player: Added srclang and label attributes to the caption track in the multimedia player working examples.
  • Tabbed interface: Reduced the screen reader "chatter" and improved Window Eyes support.
  • Added keyboard support for numbers through the numpad, punctuation and various symbols (affects Autocomplete, Menu bar, Share widget and Slideout tag)
  • Fixed rendering of site footer links in small/medium view
  • Updated Charts plugin to Flot v0.8.1


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • Updated jQuery dependencies
  • Fixed focus loss when jQuery Mobile initializes
  • Fixed ghosting of the Canada Wordmark in the Internet and intranet theme splash pages
  • Fixed IE9 printing issue in GC Web Usability theme
  • Geomap: Fixed association between labels and checkboxes in the legend
  • Geomap: Added missing alt text
  • Tabbed interface: Fixed support for nested tabs in small screen view
  • Menu bar/Share widget: Improved WAI-ARIA support
  • Changed "Flux" to "Fils de nouvelles" in GC Web Usability theme footer
  • Fixed WCAG 2.0 issues with Grids form labels and .module-related links


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

Changes That Break Things

  • GC Web Usability theme home page: The example markup and CSS has changed. The example was only intended to demonstrate the priorities section and the other sections (headlines, video, keep connected and minister) were only meant as filler content (not meant to be implemented). To minimize confusion, all the home page specific markup and CSS has been removed except for the markup and CSS related to the priorities section. In addition, the layout has been switched over to straight grids. If the old CSS is still needed, then it can be found in demos/theme-gcwu-fegc/css/old-homepage.css. The following ids and classes have been affected:
    • gcwu-content (replaced with span-6)
    • gcwu-aside (replaced with span-2)
    • gcwu-headlines (removed along with the associated section)
    • gcwu-video (removed along with the associated section)
    • gcwu-connected (removed along with the associated section)
    • gcwu-minister (removed along with the associated section)
  • Tabbed interface: The tabbed interface now gives priority to the URL hash when determining which tab panel to display on plugin load. Prior to this change, the last tab panel opened during a user's browsing session would be displayed. The order of precedence used to determine which tab panel to display is as follows:
    1. URL hash that matches a tab panel ID.
    2. Previously opened tab panel from a user's browsing session.
    3. Tab with the .default CSS class.
    4. First tab panel of the tabbed interface.

Other changes

  • In version 3.1.2, Geomap plugin markup has been modified to manage multiple Geomap plugins on the same page:
    • It needs a new tag to wrap the map, legend and data.
    • getMapfunction needs an id parameter.
    • The old way still works (for a single Geomap instance) but is deprecated in version 3.1.2.
    • For more information, read Geomap documentation.
  • Updated WET and Base theme hidden h2 text for full-width header and footer
    • Changed "Languages" (WET theme) and "Full-width header area" (Base theme) to "Header bar"
    • Changed "Full-width footer area" (Base theme) to "Footer bar".
    • Same changes made in other languages.
  • Changed order of site footer sections (switched News and Contact Us)
  • Corrected Government of Canada navigation bar and footer links
  • Aligned GC Web Usability theme with other themes by merging the application examples with the other examples and stopping the use of target='_blank' (still a valid approach but there are other equally valid approaches as well. The previous code can still be used.
  • Added splash and server message pages to the WET and Base themes
  • Added the Open Government Platform (OGPL) theme


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

Changes That Break Things

  • Web Feeds widget Twitter feed now uses the Twitter Embedded Timeline since the Twitter API v1.0 is being discontinued. This means markup changes and requires timelines to be created in a Twitter account to be referenced by the widget.


Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

Changes That Break Things

As always, be on the lookout for broken layouts and functionality when upgrading, and test thoroughly.

  • Old page top script section to split jQuery version to support release of jQuery 2.0 dropping support for oldIE.


    <script src="../dist/js/jquery.min.min.js"></script>
    	<!--[if lte IE 8]>
    	<script src="../dist/js/polyfills/html5shiv-min.min.js"></script>
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/grids/css/util-ie-min.min.css" />
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/js/css/pe-ap-ie-min.min.css" />
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/css/theme-ie-min.min.css" />
    	<!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/grids/css/util-min.min.css" />
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/js/css/pe-ap-min.min.css" />
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/css/theme-min.min.css" />


    <!--[if lte IE 8]>
    	<script src="../dist/js/jquery-ie.min.min.js"></script>
    	<script src="../dist/js/polyfills/html5shiv-min.min.js"></script>
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/grids/css/util-ie-min.min.css" />
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/js/css/pe-ap-ie-min.min.css" />
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/css/theme-ie-min.min.css" />
    	<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/css/theme-ns-ie-min.min.css" /></noscript>
    	<!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
    	<script src="../dist/js/jquery.min.min.js"></script>
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/grids/css/util-min.min.css" />
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/js/css/pe-ap-min.min.css" />
    	<link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/css/theme-min.min.css" />
    	<noscript><link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/css/theme-ns-min.min.css" /></noscript>
  • jQuery Mobile and pe-ap.js split into IE and non-IE versions at page bottom


    <!-- ScriptsStart -->
    	<script src="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/js/theme-min.min.js"></script>
    	<script src="../dist/js/settings.min.js"></script>
    	<script src="../dist/js/pe-ap-min.min.js"></script>
    	<!-- ScriptsEnd -->


    <!-- ScriptsStart -->
    	<script src="../dist/js/settings.min.js"></script>
    	<!--[if lte IE 8]>
    	<script src="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/js/theme-ie-min.min.js"></script>
    	<script src="../dist/js/pe-ap-ie-min.min.js"></script>
    	<script src="../dist/js/jquerymobile/"></script>
    	<!--[if gt IE 8]><!-->
    	<script src="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/js/theme-min.min.js"></script>
    	<script src="../dist/js/pe-ap-min.min.js"></script>
    	<script src="../dist/js/jquerymobile/"></script>
    	<!-- ScriptsEnd -->
  • Multi-column class names now use real numbers instead of written ones in the Grids system (e.g. "column-two" is now "column-2"). To upgrade these classes you can find and replace the following classes:
    v3.0 v3.1
    column-two column-2
    column-three column-3
    column-four column-4
  • Slideout tab now uses text instead of images. See the Slideout migration instructions.
  • Federal Identity Program elements are now SVG-based with an image fallback. The fallback has changed from GIF to PNG.


    <div id="gcwu-sig">
    	  <div id="gcwu-sig-in">
    		<div id="gcwu-sig-eng" title="Government of Canada">
    		  <img src="../../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/images/sig-eng.gif" width="214" height="20" alt="Government of Canada" />


    <div id="gcwu-sig">
    	  <div id="gcwu-sig-in">
    		<object data="../../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/images/sig-eng.svg" role="img" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Government of Canada" type="image/svg+xml">
    		  <img src="../../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/images/sig-eng.png" alt="Government of Canada" />


    <div id="gcwu-wmms">
    	  <div id="gcwu-wmms-in">
    		<div id="gcwu-wmms-fip" title="Symbol of the Government of Canada">
    		  <img src="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/images/wmms.gif" width="126" height="30" alt="Symbol of the Government of Canada" />


    <div id="gcwu-wmms">
    	  <div id="gcwu-wmms-in">
    		<object data="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/images/wmms.svg" role="img" tabindex="-1" aria-label="Symbol of the Government of Canada" type="image/svg+xml">
    		  <img src="../dist/theme-gcwu-fegc/images/wmms.png" alt="Symbol of the Government of Canada" />

Improved Performance

  • jQuery Mobile integrated with desktop view
  • Upgraded to newer versions of JQuery Mobile, jQuery, and others

Look and Feel

  • Mobile view redesign
  • Small, medium and large screen support
  • Two new generic themes (WET and Base themes)
  • Improved Multimedia Player UI

New Features

  • Geomap
  • Responsive Images
  • Expand/Collapse All
  • Table enhancement (sorting and filtering of tables)
  • Design guide
  • Improved Tabbed Interface
  • Improved Charts and Graphs


  • New polyfill for Meter
  • Improved Slideout Tab

Internationalization and Localization

  • Localization for 33 languages
  • Slideout Tab is now i18n-compliant

v3.1.0 Candidat 1

v3.1.0 Bêta 2

v3.1.0 Bêta 1

v3.1.0 Alpha 1

Date de modification :