v3.1.9 - Notes d'utilisation

Quoi de neuf?

Needs translation

  • GCWU theme: Fixed markup validation errors
  • GCWU theme: Corrected footer links and shortened to domain names where possible
  • GCWU theme: Removed box shadow from site menu sub-menu
  • All themes: Changed lines separating menu bar links to grey
  • All themes: Fixed menu link separator for links in the active state
  • Fixed validation error with favicon reference
  • Added wb-navcurr styling to mega menu
  • Made footer visible in medium view
  • Grids: Made button height consistent within button groups
  • Tabbed interface: Now ignoring keystrokes modifed by the control, alt and meta keys
  • Calendar of Events: Removed role='application'
  • Date picker: Changed focus behaviour on toggle
  • Form validation: Added postcodeCA method to jquery validation and HTML demos in both languages


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