Thème de la Plate-forme de gouvernement ouvert (PGO)

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The Open Government Platform (OGPL) theme was developed to support the Open Government Platform (OGPL).

Use when

  • This theme can be used on Government of Canada intranet sites (including web applications).

Do not use when

  • This theme can only be used on Government of Canada intranet sites.

Working example

English and French examples

How to implement

General instructions

  1. Use the *.html files to create your Web pages.
  2. Optional: Create, install and link to one or more new CSS files (will be used for custom CSS)
  3. Correct all *.css, *.js, and *.gif file paths referenced in the installed *.html files
  4. Replace the page title (in between <title> and </title>), the site title, and the content title (in between <h1 id="wb-cont"> and </h1>)
  5. Correct the metadata values

Server instructions

Configure Custom HTTP Headers to emit "X-UA-Compatible" "IE=Edge". Instructions on configuring IIS (English / French) or Apache (English / French) can be found on MSDN. This setting will ensure Internet Explorer 8, 9, and 10 will use their most recent rendering engine, as opposed to "Compatibility Views".

Content page-specific instructions (content-*.html)

  1. Correct the menu bar links or remove the menu bar
  2. Correct the English/Français link or remove the language selection link
  3. Optional: Implement the secondary menu (maximum of 2 levels)
  4. Correct the search field or remove the search field
  5. Correct the breadcrumb trail or remove the breadcrumb trail
  6. Correct the site footer links
  7. Correct the Date modified/Date de modification or remove the Date modified/Date de modification

Splash page-specific instructions (splashpage-*.html)

  1. Correct the English and French language links

Server message page-specific instructions (serv*.html)

  1. Replace the English and/or French messages.

Source code

Date de modification :