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DataTable Utilities - Documentation

DataTable Utilities, includes Data Manipulation Classes for emails, Urls and Money. Also Includes Datatable Footer Totals.

Having this plugin integrated will make the transition to easier as these features are already in use on, currently some of the pages that make use of this plugin and other pages that make use of other javascript files are pointed to from

The Public at Large, the plugin makes DataTables more user friendly with Clickable Links, and they are used to this functionality our PRE Pages.

GCWeb implementation plan

Todo and for future consideration

Sponsor: PSPC - Steve Bourgeois (

Working examples

Configuration options

Enable the plugin for the targeted table by adding the CSS class wb-tables-utility to the table. Add the attribute data-wb-tables-utility to configure the options.

(column-name, column-name-url)
Option Description How to configure Values
debug Print Debug messages to the console data-wb-tables-utility="{"debug":true}"
false (default)
Suppress Printing of debug messages.
Show debug messages to the console.
filteredsum Column Totals to reflect Filtered DataTable Data data-wb-tables-utility="{"filteredsum":false}"
true (default):
As Data is Filtered adjust Totals to match filtered Data.
Show Grand Total Regardless of data filtered.
wb-col-sum When this class is applied to a column, a column footer total is calculated "columnDefs": [{ "className": "wb-col-sum", "targets": [3]}] wb-col-sum
wb-col-money When this class is applied to a column, the data is manipulated to reflect currency with $ "columnDefs": [{ "className": "wb-col-money", "targets": [3]}] wb-col-money
wb-col-cur-thousand When this class is applied to a column, the data is manipulated to reflect currency without $ "columnDefs": [{ "className": "wb-col-cur-thousand", "targets": [3]}] wb-col-cur-thousand
wb-col-mailto When this class is applied to a column, the data is searched with an email pattern, and when found are wrapped with <a href="mailto:...">...</a> to make it a clickable link. "columnDefs": [{ "className": "wb-col-mailto", "targets": [3]}] wb-col-mailto
wb-col-url When this class is applied to a column, dataTable Utilities looks for a second column with the same name as this column that is ending with -url and the 2 are stitched into a single column wrapped with <a href="column-name-url">column-name</a> to make it a clickable link. "columnDefs": [{ "className": "wb-col-url", "targets": [3]}] wb-col-url

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