Language selection


Steps Quiz

Addition of a quiz pattern for the Steps Form component.

GCWeb implementation plan

Todo and for future consideration

Accessibility reports

Sponsor: Principal Publisher - ESDC


This feature provides a quiz pattern when applied to the Steps Form component.

How to use

  1. Add the quiz CSS class to <div> element containing the wb-steps CSS class of the Steps Form component.

List of changes

  • French translation functionality on language toggle for two text elements found in the component.
  • Addition of a <label> element around the <progress> element in order to resolve an accessibility issue (ref: Accessibility assessment no.1 - Progress bar).
Impact on the sponsoring department:
Prevents a possible complaint related to official languages and/or accessibility.
Impact on users:
Access to content that complies with official languages and that meets WCAG accessibility guidelines 2.1 (Option: Level AA).

Working Examples

Example - Default (full width)

1. Which is your favorite fruit?

My favorite fruit is:

2. Which is your favorite pet?

My favorite pet is:

3. Condiments

Choose your condiments:

Page details

Date modified: