2024-04-stepsquiz - Détails du méli-mélo
Applique un modèle de quiz au composant du Formulaire à étapes existant.
Parrainé par: Principal Publisher - ESDC
Plan d'implémentation
- 2024-03 - Review and identify requirement to make this functionality enterprise ready.
- 2024-05 - Have this feature as a Meli-Melo feature in GCWeb.
- 2024-12 - Produce accessibility conformance report and attach usability report.
- 2025-05 - Standardisation of the Steps Form plugin.
- 2026-05 - Have this feature officially integrated to the Steps Form plugin.
À faire et pour considération future
- Write governance and rationale for the use of this design.
- Optimize code as suggested in the GitHub pull request #2347.
Détails de la page
- Date de modification :