2022-09-svgimagemap - Méli-mélo details
Link to content with an interactive SVG image map
Sponsored by: PacifiCan - Karina Perez (@karinapereznolasco)
Implementation plan
- 2022-10 - Test this component with live content
- 2022-10 - Engage with DTO (By end of october 2022), and discuss about guidance on this component/design pattern. Like when to use it? If it match our visual web presence?
- 2023-01 - Make any adjustment, based on DTO (TBS) discussion or/and by implementation experience
- 2022-12 - Produce a ACR (Accessibility Conformance Report)
- 2023-05 - Move this contribution into GCWeb as a provisional feature
Todo and for future consideration
- Review code and governance to balance optimal accessibility and ease of implementation for users.
- {"Review and change the CSS class name for something more meaningful"=>"st0 is not descriptive enough of what it is and how it should be applied to the SVG."}
- Contextualisation of the CSS classes to limit their application to this component/feature only.
- {"Review color schemes"=>"They should match the sequence of colours used by the charts and graphs."}
- {"Revise in order to provide more details for implementation instructions"=>"Like how to organize the sibling styles and how to group them with the anchor elements."}
- Investigate and apply best practices regarding the SVG viewBox versus how it get rendered (scaled) in browser.
- {"Review tabulation order"=>"suggested pattern is top - bottom - left and right."}
- Produce a WCAG 2.1 ACR
Page details
- Date modified: