Language selection


Ajax Fetch

Successful Ajax Fetch

Text to be replaced

This text will be replaced.

Failed Ajax Fetch

Text to be replaced

This text will not be replaced.


Source code

<h2>Successful Ajax Fetch</h2>
			<div data-ajax-replace="ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html">
					<h3>Text to be replaced</h3>
					<p>This text will be replaced.</p>

			<h2>Failed Ajax Fetch</h2>
			<div data-ajax-replace="failedUrl">
					<h3>Text to be replaced</h3>
					<p>This text will <strong>not</strong> be replaced.</p>

DOM Tree

<h2>Successful Ajax Fetch</h2>
			<div data-ajax-replace="ajax/data-ajax-extra-en.html">
				<section class="ajaxed-in">
					<h3>I was ajaxed in</h3>
					<p>I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in. I was ajaxed in.</p>

			<h2>Failed Ajax Fetch</h2>
			<div data-ajax-replace="failedUrl">
					<h3>Text to be replaced</h3>
					<p>This text will <strong>not</strong> be replaced.</p>

Page details

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