Getting Started

Looking for WET v3.1?

WET v4.0 is now the current version. There is a new location for the Getting started page in WET v3.1.

If you are working behind a proxy, you may want to look at the proxy troubleshooting guide.

I want to use WET on my website

  1. Grab the latest stable release from the downloads page.
  2. Review the style guide for information on implementing WET on your site.

I want to customize WET and design a new WET theme

  1. Install NodeJS for your platform.
  2. Create a directory for your project.
  3. Install the Grunt CLI, Yeoman, and Bower packages globally by running npm install -g grunt-cli yo bower from the command line console (Command Prompt on Windows, Terminal on OS X, or other shell environment on Linux or Unix).
  4. Install the WET theme generator by running npm install -g generator-wet-boew-theme.
  5. Run yo wet-boew-theme from the command prompt, and answer the questions at the prompt to setup your theme project.

I want to report a bug or ask a question about WET

  1. Create a GitHub account.
  2. Ask a question relating to the style guide by creating a new issue on GitHub.
  3. Report a bug, ask a question or request a feature relating to WET by following the reporting guide.

I want to fix or improve WET as a developer

  1. Install NodeJS for your platform.
  2. Create a GitHub account.
  3. Follow GitHub's guides on setting up Git.
  4. Fork the wet-boew repository by following the GitHub forking guide. Use the upstream URL of in step 3.
  5. Run ./script/setup from the wet-boew directory in your command line console.
  6. Run grunt to build the project. You may run grunt --help to see the build target descriptions.
  7. The latest files will now be compiled to the dist/ folder.
  8. To contribute back, follow the instructions on how to create a pull request.
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