Progress polyfill (progress bar)

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The HTML5 progress element displays the progress of a task. Because some browsers do not support this functionality natively, this polyfill emulates the same functionality using generic HTML and WAI-ARIA.

Use when

Working example

Task in progress

<progress value="25" max="100" />

Completed task

<progress value="50" max="50" />

Task of indeterminate progress

<progress />
<progress max="50" />

How to implement

To use the polyfill, a standard progress element must be used. In cases where a browser doesn't support the progress element, the polyfill is automatically loaded.

Configuration options

Configuration options available for the progress element (HTML5 specification)


Event Trigger What it does
wb-init.wb-progress Triggered manually (e.g., $elm.trigger( "wb-init.wb.wb-progress" );). Used to manually initialize the progress polyfill. Note: The progress polyfill will be initialized automatically unless the progress element is added after the page has already loaded.

Source code

Progress polyfill source code on GitHub

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