
Vous cherchez la BOEW v3.1?

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Display images and other content in a dialog box, either individually or as part of a gallery.

Working example

How to implement

Single items

  1. Add a link element to the page with the class wb-lbx.
  2. Add an href attribute on the link element that points to the image (e.g., href="demo/1_b.jpg"), the file containing the content (e.g., ajax/ajax.html) or the id of the inline content (e.g., href="#inline-content).
  3. Add a title attribute to the link element with the caption text.


  1. Add a section or other element to the page with the classes wb-lbx and lbx-gal.
  2. Add within the section or other element a link element for each item in the gallery.
  3. Add an href attribute on each link element that points to the image (e.g., href="demo/1_b.jpg"), the file containing the content (e.g., ajax/ajax.html) or the id of the inline content (e.g., href="#inline-content).
  4. Add a title attribute to each link element with the caption text.

Configuration options

Option Description How to configure Values
lbx-hide-gal Hides all but the first item in the gallery. Add lbx-hide-gal to the class attribute of the section or other element of the gallery. n/a
lbx-modal Make the lightbox behave like a modal dialog. Add lbx-modal to the class attribute of the link element. n/a
lbx-modal Make the lightbox behave like a modal dialog. Add lbx-modal to the class attribute of the link element. n/a
popup-modal-dismiss Identifies the button that is to be use to close a lightbox behaving like a modal dialog. Add popup-modal-dismiss to the link or button that will be used to close the lightbox behaving like a modal dialog. n/a


Document the public events that can be used by implementers or developers.

Event Trigger What it does
wb-init.wb-lbx Triggered manually (e.g., $elm.trigger( "wb-init.wb-lbx" );). Used to manually initialize the Lightbox plugin. Note: The Lightbox plugin will be initialized automatically unless the Lightbox markup is added after the page has already loaded.

Source code

Lightbox source code on GitHub

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