ARCHIVÉE - Contenu archivé

Vous cherchez la BOEW v3.1?

La BOEW v4.0 est maintenant la version courrante. La version de la page actuelle pour la BOEW v3.1 a été déplacée.

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Needs translation


Helps users identify Web pages that have been archived online.

Use when

This approach is mandatory for Government of Canada Web pages that have been archived online.

A Web page can be archived online if it is:

  • maintained for reference, research or record keeping purposes;
  • will not be altered or updated after the date of archiving; and
  • stored in a digital repository.

Examples include; a new policy that has replaced an old policy, older versions of reports, events that have happened in the past (such as conferences).

Do not use when

  • The Web page includes current content.
  • In place of removing redundant, outdated and trivial content (ROT).
  • As an excuse not to make Web pages compliant to the new Standard on Web Accessibility (WCAG 2.0).

Working example

Coming soon

Configuration options

Coming soon

Source code

Archived content source code on GitHub

Date de modification :