
Looking for WET v3.1?

WET v4.0 is now the current version. There is a new location for the current page in WET v3.1.


Example - Remote & File-based Layer Data

Layers are created from file-based formats, feeds, and web API's.

Example - Inline Layer Data

Layers are created from the following tables. An attribute data-geometry to hold the geometry and an attribute data-type to hold the geometry type (wkt or bbox) are required for each row.


Table of point geometries.
Rank Census subdivision Population 2011
1 Toronto 2615060
2 Montreal 1649519
3 Calgary 1096833
4 Ottawa 883391
5 Edmonton 812201
6 Mississauga 713443
7 Winnipeg 663617
8 Vancouver 603502
9 Brampton 523911
10 Hamilton 519949

Bounding Boxes

Table of bounding box geometries.
Title Geometry
Report on 2011 field activities and collection of ground thermal and active layer data in the Mackenzie Corridor completed under Northwest Territories science licence #14918 -136, 61, -118, 70
Dinoflagellate cysts from upper cretaceous-lower tertiary sections, Bylot and Devon Islands, Arctic Archipelago -92.5, 72.75, -79, 75.5

Example - Static Map

GeoMap can be configured to provide a static map ideally suited to display a location or bounding box extent.

Natural Resources Canada Ottawa office adress
615 Booth St.,
Ottawa (ON),
K1A 0E8
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