
Looking for WET v3.1?

WET v4.0 is now the current version. There is a new location for the current page in WET v3.1.

This feature provides a widget for aggregating and displaying the entries from one or more Web feeds on a Web page. Supported Web feed formats are Atom, RSS, and Media RSS.


Road News Releases and Safety Recalls

Ottawa Weather


  • Enviroment Canada Logo

    Enviroment Canada - Facebook

    At Environment Canada our business is protecting the environment, conserving the country's natural heritage and providing weather and environmental predictions to keep Canadians informed and safe.

  • Parks Canada Logo

    Parks Canada - Facebook

    On behalf of the people of Canada, we protect and present nationally significant examples of Canada's natural and cultural heritage, and foster public understanding, appreciation and enjoyment in ways that ensure the ecological and commemorative integrity of these places for present and future generations.


Class (parameter) Role Details
wb-feeds Identifier Main targeting class that identifies the code block used for the Web feeds widget.
limit-x Display Controls the amount of items the Web feeds widget will display.
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