Combobox prototype 7 - Datalist JSON suggestion - Research and finding

Prototype of an select box transformed into a customized combobox with the listbox pattern by using a reactive experimental system.

Combobo javascript code
/* Overlay default style */
[role=listbox] {
	min-width: 230px;
	background: white;
	border: 1px solid #ccc;
	list-style: none;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	position: absolute;
	top: 1.7em;
	z-index: 9999;
	/* Note about z-index
	Ideally it should be set to 1, but the <footer id="wb-info"> has a z-index set to 5,
/* Active state style */
[role=option][aria-selected=true] {
	background: rgb(139, 189, 225); /* #8bbde1 */
[role=option]:hover {
	cursor: default;
	background: #719AB9;
/* Have the input and the overlay together */
.combobox-wrapper {
    display: inline-block;
    position: relative;
[role=combobox]:after {
	content: "\25BC\a0";

<label for="id_select">Please choose an option</label>
<select id="id_select" class="wb-combobox" name="selLoremIpsum" data-wb5-template="sub-template-listbox@tmplItems">
	<option value="Lorem">Lorem</option>
	<option value="ipsum">ipsum</option>
	<option value="dolor">dolor</option>
	<option value="sit">sit</option>

<template id="combobox_simple_template">
	<div class="combobox-wrapper">
		<div role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="listbox" data-wb5-bind="aria-owns@popupId">
			<input autocomplete="off" data-rule-fromListbox="true" data-wb5-bind="id@fieldId, aria-controls@popupId, name@fieldName, value@selectValue" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-activedescendant="" required />
		<div data-wb5-bind="id@popupId" role="listbox" class="hidden">
			<template data-slot-elm="" data-wb5-template="sub-template-listbox">
				<ul class="list-unstyled">
						data-wb5-for="option in options" 
						data-wb5-if="!parent.filter.length || option.value.indexOf(parent.filter) !== -1"
						data-wb5-on="select@select(option.value); live@parent.nbdispItem(wb-nbNode)" >{{ option.textContent }}</li>

<p><a href="2018-assets/1-datalist-combobox-2.js">Combobo javascript code</a></p>