Combobox prototype 10 with fieldflow and convert select - Datalist JSON suggestion - Research and finding

Fieldflow rendering a combobox and transfroming select into combobox.

This prototype include :

Fieldflow - With similarText compare function

If you have questions about, ask away!

  • Inserting content
  • Photo galery
  • Draw charts
  • Expand and collapse content
  • Set a consistant height
  • Popup content

Can't find an answer? Send us your question.

Select to combobox - default

Select to combobox - Load suggestions from JSON file

Source Code

/* Overlay default style */
[role=listbox] {
	min-width: 230px;
	background: white;
	border: 2px solid #999;
	list-style: none;
	margin: 0;
	padding: 0;
	position: absolute;
	top: 1.7em;
	z-index: 9999;
	/* Note about z-index
	Ideally it should be set to 1, but the <footer id="wb-info"> has a z-index set to 5,
/* Active state style */
[role=option][aria-selected=true] {
	background: #8bbde1;
	color: #000;
	border: 1px dotted #000;
[role=option]:hover {
	cursor: default;
	background: rgb(139, 189, 225); /* #8bbde1 */
	color: #000;
	border: 1px dotted #000;
[role=option]:hover[aria-selected=false] {
	background: #fff;
	color: #000;
	border: 1px solid transparent;
	padding: 2px;
	border: 1px solid transparent;
[role=option]:last-child {
/* Have the input and the overlay together */
.combobox-wrapper {
    display: inline-block;
    position: relative;
/*[role=combobox]:after {
	content: "\25BC\a0";

<h2>Fieldflow - With similarText compare function</h2>

<div class="wb-frmvld">
  <form action="submited-contact-us-page.html">
      <p>If you have questions about, ask away!</p>
    <div id="test1" class="wb2-fieldflow" data-wb2-fieldflow='{ "noreqlabel": true, "isoptional": true, "noForm": true, "defaultselectedlabel":"Popular questions", "renderas":"combobox", "defaultIfNone": { "action": "query", "name": "question" } }' data-wb-combobox='{ "templateID": "combobox_custom_template" }'>

			<li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": ""}'>Inserting content</li>
			<li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": ""}'>Photo galery</li>
			<li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": ""}'>Draw charts</li>
			<li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": ""}'>Expand and collapse content</li>
			<li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": ""}'>Set a consistant height</li>
			<li data-wb-fieldflow='{"action":"redir", "url": ""}'>Popup content</li>
<div class="row">
      <div class="col-sm-3 col-md-2">
        <input class="btn btn-default mrgn-bttm-md" type="submit" value="Submit">
<p class="mrgn-tp-sm">Can't find an answer? <a href="submited-contact-us-page.html">Send us your question</a>.</div>

<template id="combobox_custom_template">
	<div class="combobox-wrapper">
		<div role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="listbox" data-wb5-bind="aria-owns@popupId">
			<input autocomplete="off" data-rule-fromListbox="true" data-wb5-bind="id@fieldId, aria-controls@popupId, value@filter" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-activedescendant="" />
		<div data-wb5-bind="id@popupId" role="listbox" class="hidden">
			<template data-slot-elm="" data-wb5-template="sub-template-listbox">
				<p>Showing :-) <span data-wb5-text="options.wbActive">0</span> of <span data-wb5-text="options.wbLen">0</span> </p>
				<ul class="list-unstyled">
						data-wb5-for="option in options" 
						data-wb5-if="!parent.filter.length || parent.config.compareLowerCase(option.value,parent.filter) || parent.config.similarText(option.value,parent.filter,'75')"
						data-wb5-on="select@select(option.value); live@parent.nbdispItem(wb-nbNode)" >{{ option.textContent }}</li>
				<p role="optionss" data-wb5-on="select@select('default')">Default</p>
				<p>Number of result: <span data-wb5-text="options.wbActive">0</span></p>

<h2>Select to combobox - default</h2>

<div class="wb-frmvld">
		<label for="id_select">Please choose an option</label>
		<select id="id_select" class="wb-combobox" name="selLoremIpsum">
			<option value="Lorem">Lorem</option>
			<option value="ipsum">ipsum</option>
			<option value="dolor">dolor</option>
			<option value="sit">sit</option>

<h2>Select to combobox - Load suggestions from JSON file</h2>

<div class="wb-frmvld">
		<label for="id_select2">Please choose an option</label>
		<select id="id_select2" class="wb-combobox" name="selLoremIpsum2" data-wb-load="2018-assets/2018-1-suggest.json#/suggestions" data-wb-combobox='{"templateID": "select-combobox-load"'>
			<option value="Lorem">Lorem</option>
			<option value="ipsum">ipsum</option>
			<option value="dolor">dolor</option>
			<option value="sit">sit</option>

<template id="select-combobox-load">
	<div class="combobox-wrapper">
		<div role="combobox" aria-expanded="false" aria-haspopup="listbox" data-wb5-bind="aria-owns@popupId">
			<input autocomplete="off" data-rule-fromListbox="true" data-rule-fromListbox="true" data-wb5-bind="id@fieldId, aria-controls@popupId, value@filter" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-activedescendant="" />
		<div data-wb5-bind="id@popupId" role="listbox" class="hidden">
			<template data-slot-elm="" data-wb5-template="sub-template-listbox">
				<ul class="list-unstyled mrgn-bttm-0">
						data-wb5-for="option in wbLoad" 
						data-wb5-if="!parent.filter.length || parent.config.compareLowerCase(option,parent.filter)"
						data-wb5-on="select@select(option); live@parent.nbdispItem(wb-nbNode)" >{{ option }}</li>

JS Update for the similar text compare function

similarText: function( str1, str2, passRatio ) {

// Function to compare the distance between two word.
function matchDistance( s1, s2 ) {
	var arr = [];
	for ( var i = 0; i <= s1.length; i++ ) {
		var lastValue = i;

		for ( var j = 0; j <= s2.length; j++ ) {
			if ( i === 0 ) {
				arr[j] = j;
			else {
				if ( j > 0 ) {
					var newValue = arr[ j - 1 ];
					if ( s1.charAt( i - 1 ) !== s2.charAt( j - 1 ) ) {
						newValue = Math.min( Math.min( newValue, lastValue ), arr[ j ] ) + 1;
				arr[ j - 1 ] = lastValue;
					lastValue = newValue;
		if ( i > 0 ) {
			arr[ s2.length ] = lastValue;
	return arr[ s2.length ];	

function similartextCheck( s1, s2 ) {

	s1 = s1.replace( /[\-\/]|_/g, " " ).replace( /[^\w\s]|_/g, "" ).trim().toLowerCase();
	s2 = s2.replace( /[\-\/]|_/g, " " ).replace( /[^\w\s]|_/g, "" ).trim().toLowerCase();
	var arrShorter = s1.split( " " ),
		arrLonger  = s2.split( " " );

	if ( s1.length > s2.length ) {
		arrShorter = s2.split( " " );		
		arrLonger  = s1.split( " " );

	if ( !arrLonger.length || !arrShorter.length ) {
		return 100;

	var matchChars = 0,
		maxChars = 0,
		longer = "",
		shorter = "";
	for ( var i = 0; i < arrShorter.length; i++ ) {				
		var bestMatch = 0,
			fullLength = 0,
			fullMatch = false;

		for ( var j=0; j < arrLonger.length; j++ ) {			
			shorter = arrShorter[ i ];
			longer = arrLonger[ j ];
			if( longer.indexOf( shorter ) >= 0 ) {

				var currentMatch = longer.length;	
				if ( ( !fullMatch ) || ( currentMatch < bestMatch ) ) {
					bestMatch = longer.length;
					fullLength = longer.length;
				fullMatch = true;							
			else if( !fullMatch ) {
				currentMatch = longer.length - matchDistance( shorter, longer );
				if( currentMatch > bestMatch ) {
					bestMatch  = currentMatch;
					fullLength = longer.length;
		matchChars = matchChars + bestMatch;		
		maxChars = maxChars + fullLength;

	if ( matchChars === 0 ) {
		return 0;

	return ( matchChars / maxChars ) * 100;

// Check agains the pass Ratio
var result = similartextCheck( str1, str2 );
passRatio = parseInt( passRatio );
if ( result >= passRatio ) {
	return true;
return false;