Design decision 15 - Removal of trailing slash for void elements (self-closing tags)

Removal of trailing slash for void elements (self-closing tags) located in templates.



In web content, avoiding the usage of trailing slashes for void elements (self-closing tags) to prevent HTML validation info messages and potential conflict with unquoted attribute values.


Receiving HTML validation info messages when validating a page which include void elements (self-closing tags). There is currenlty two schools of thought:


Since trailing slashes are no longuer requierd nor recommended for void elements (self-closing tags) in HTML5, we are recommending removing trailing slashes for every void elements (self-closing tags) such as the <meta >, <link >, <img>,<input>, <hr> and other void elements found in the <head> section and global footer of every templates. We have also noticed that Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) when redering pages, remove trailing slashes from void elements (self-closing tags) found in the wiziwig. Validation info messegaes are generated due to the trailing slashes found in the template.


Previously mandatory in XHTML, trailing slashes are now optional and even more, they are strongly not recommended for void elements (self-closing tags) in HTML5.


Remove the slash at the end of every void elements (self-closing tags) located inside the <head> section and global footer of every templates.



<meta charset="utf-8">
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href="">
<img src="/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/sig-blk-en.svg" alt="Government of Canada" property="logo">
<input id="wb-srch-q" list="wb-srch-q-ac" class="wb-srch-q form-control" name="q" type="search" value="" size="34" maxlength="170" placeholder="Search">


<meta charset="utf-8"/>
<link rel="alternate" hreflang="en" href=""/>
<img src="/etc/designs/canada/wet-boew/assets/sig-blk-en.svg" alt="Government of Canada" property="logo"/>
<input id="wb-srch-q" list="wb-srch-q-ac" class="wb-srch-q form-control" name="q" type="search" value="" size="34" maxlength="170" placeholder="Search"/>


Run the W3 Nu HTML Checker on a page where the slashes have been removed from void elements (self-closing tags) located in the head or global footer sections and expect no info warning messages related to trailing slash.

Nu validation Home page (English).

Expected result:

To not get the following info warning message:

Info: Trailing slash on void elements has no effect and interacts badly with unquoted attribute values.


The HTML standard states that you can use a trailing slash in a void-element start tag for literally any purpose except to mark the start tag as self-closing.

So, for example, the following are all acceptable reasons for using a trailing slash in a void-element start tag:

Ref: W3C Validator Wiki Github - Trailing slashes in void-element start tags do not mark the start tags as self-closing

When learning about HTML, teaching about HTML, and designing HTML tools, it’s important to have and promote the right mental model about how HTML actually works.

And the way HTML works is that there’s a discrete set of void elements, hardcoded into HTML parsers, and people who write HTML must learn and remember which elements those are — without any trailing slash needing to be added to those elements to indicate they are special.

Ref: W3C Validator Wiki Github - Promoting the right mental model for void elements


The reason a trailing slash was used on void elements (self-closing tags) in the first place for conforming with XHTML markup previously used for templates. In HTML5, trailing slashes on void elements(self-closing tags) are now optional and strongly discourage.

Research and findings

Usage of XML syntax in HTML

Opinions surounding the usage of trailing slash for void elements in HTML are divided going from making the document structure clearer for novice readers, the info messages generated by the NU validator opinion based and have been implemtentaed to have users stop using trailing slashes, HTML specs hasn’t changed and some of their code examples are still using slashes and so on. Refering to the HTML standard 1.8 HTML vs XML syntax, if a document is transmitted with the text/html MIME type, then it will be processed as an HTML document by web browsers. After a brief investigation, major sites such as: GCWeb,, CRA and they are all transmitted with the text/html MIME type. As well, standard 1.8 reminds us that the processing for XML and HTML differs; in particular, even minor syntax errors will prevent a document labeled as XML from being rendered fully, whereas they would be ignored in the HTML syntax. Although common browsers support XML (XHTML) syntax in an HTML declared document, as minimal as it is, it takes some processing time to do the conversion. Therefore, using XML syntax in an HTML document is considred an error and takes processing time for broswers to support it.
