
ACR - Accessibility Conformance Report

Additional vocabulary term used by wet-bew project for producing accessibilty conformance report (ACR). The additional term is mostly to ease the human readability of the JSON-LD combined with the [Evaluation and Report Language (EARL)](https://www.w3.org/TR/EARL/).

Related vocabulary

JSON-LD contexts

Terms summary




Vocabulary extension:


Aggregated score

(State: Prototype)

Property - Assessment results percentage score.

Resource id
Type of
rdf:Property skos:Concept wcagem:step5d
English label
Aggregated score
French label
Résultat calculé
Usage note
Provisional use with the ACR methodology described by GitHub wet-boew PR #9580
WET-BOEW ACR methodology reference


(State: Prototype)

Property - Assessment reference relating to the items

Domain: acr:AuditReport, acr:ConformanceReport, acr:ConformanceRequirement Range: acr:AssessmentReport


(State: Prototype)

Class - Assessment report which is often also an earl:Assertion


(State: Prototype)

Property - Data URLs containing an assets related to the item

Domain: acr:AuditReportNote, acr:TestResult, wf:Task Range: Literal same as defined by (acr:content)[#content] or acr:Attachment; acr:Attachment instance can be: acr:AttachmentImage; acr:AttachmentSourceCode; acr:AttachmentJson; acr:AttachmentHtml


(State: Prototype)

Property - Accuracy of the item that has been audited

Domain: acr:AuditReportNote Range: acr:AccuracyState


(State: Prototype)

Class - Accuracy state of item that has been audited


Instance of AccuracyState - False positive result of an audited item.


Instance of AccuracyState - False negative result of an audited item


Instance of AccuracyState - Accurate result of an audited item


(State: Prototype)

Class - Audit report of an assessment that implement the class earl:Assertor.


(State: Prototype)

Class - Audit report note added to an Audit report.


(State: Prototype)

Property - Associate audit report with a conformance requirement report.

Domain: acr:ConformanceReport Range: acr:AuditReport


(State: Prototype)

Property - Associate audit report note with a audit report.

Domain: acr:AuditReport Range: acr:AuditReportNote


(State: Prototype)

Property - Conformity to a requirement defined by the standards and refined by the conformance options.

Domain: acr:ConformanceReport Range: acr:ConformanceRequirement


(State: Prototype)

Property - A requirement defined by a standard

Domain: acr:ConformanceRequirement, wf:Task Range: earl:TestRequirement


(State: Prototype)

Property - A conformance result of a tested requirement

Domain: acr:ConformanceRequirement Range: acr:ConformanceState


(State: Prototype)

Class - A conformance report.


(State: Prototype)

Property - A conformance result of a tested requirement

Domain: acr:ConformanceReport acr:AssessmentReport Range: acr:ConformanceStandard (IRI identifying the standard)


(State: Prototype)

Class - A standard followed to conduct the conformance report.


(State: Prototype)

Property - A conformance option used with a standard to establish a compliant to

Instances can be found in act:standard/profiles/

Domain: acr:ConformanceReport acr:AssessmentReport Range: acr:ConformanceOption (IRI identifying the standard options)


(State: Prototype)

Class - State of a requirement conformity


Instance - Requirement that is satisfied.

Type of: acr:ConformanceState


Instance - Requirement that is not satisfied.

Type of: acr:ConformanceState


Instance - Requirement that futher testing is needed to determine if the requirement are going to be satified or not.

Type of: acr:ConformanceState


(State: Prototype)

Class - An evaluation about the conformity at a requirement.


(State: Prototype)

Property - Expertise topic which the assessment or the conformance report may involve to be issued.

Instances can be found in act:standard/profiles/

Domain: acr:ConformanceReport and earl:Assertion Range: acr:Topic or Literal


(State: Prototype)

Class - Topic used to identify an expertise domain.

There is no default/core instances. Instances are defined in the Topic list


(State: Prototype)

Property - Scale of importance that identify how the described issue directly impact the user in order to complete the main task of the page or the main task of the screen (ex. popup, tabs).

Domain: earl:TestResult, wf:Task, acr:AuditReportNote Range: acr:SeverityValue


(State: Prototype) Property - Identify the underpinning that led to the issue described in the test result.

Domain: earl:TestResult, wf:Task, acr:AuditReportNote Range: RelevancyValue


(State: Prototype)

Class - A value or expression that describes the importance of the impact on the user to complete the main task.



The user are unable to complete the task. This results in blocked essential content for individuals with disabilities. For example, the WCAG Success Criterion are not met and at least one faillure is applicable maining it block essential content to users. A Test result marked with a serious severity fail the test.


The user are able to complete partially the task where some non-essential content related to the task is inaccessible. This results in severe barriers for individuals with diabilities. For example, the WCAG Success Criterion are not met according to its statement and all related faillure are avoided where the main content remain functional and operational for some users (with or without AT). A Test result marked with a serious serverity fail the test.


The user can complete the task. This test result is considered an accessibility issue that yields less impact for users. For example, the WCAG Success Criterion are met based on it statement and all related faillure are avoided. But still, some sufficient technique (advisory or not) can be applied or/and some compatibility fix could be applied to enhance the user experience with assistive technology. A Test result marked with a moderate severity still pass the test.


This is a non-issue. The user can complete the task. For example, WCAG Success Criterion are fully met, applicable sufficient technical are applied and all related failure are avoided. A Test result marked with a trivial severity pass the test.


The severity value has not been looked at or is not defined yet.


(State: Prototype)

Class - A value or expression that describes the underpinning of the described issue.


RelevancyValue extended list


Sufficient Technique (Evidence -> The sufficient technique id)


Advisor Technique (Evidence -> The advisor sufficient technique id)


Requirement statement (Evidence -> The formal requirement id, like a WCAG success criterion number)


Rule failure (Evidence -> The Failure references id)


Software compatibility (Evidence -> Software name with its version. All the details step on how to reproduce along with the unexpected and expected result)


Usability (Evidence -> Describe why it is an usability fail and if possible: stated by who, when, link to a documents)


Expertise - Recommendation made by a recognized expert. (Evidence -> Formal references to official documents/practice/standards/industry best practices from trusted/validated source)


Opinionated - Issue based on the user habit assumption. MAY require more investigation. (Evidence -> Link to non-official documents like blog post)


Comments - Remark that MUST require more investigation. (Evidence -> None or with link to non-official documents like blog post)


The relevancy value has not been looked at or is not defined yet.

Instances common to RelevancyValue and SeverityValue


The servery/relevancy for the current item need to be evaluated, measured and updated.


Defining the severity/relevancy would not provide any benefit at the current item.


(State: Prototype)

Class - Represent an attachment.

Resource id
Type of
English label
French label
Expected use of acr:content property
An URL from the type xsd:anyURI
Usage note
Provisional use with the ACR methodology described by GitHub wet-boew PR #9580
WET-BOEW ACR methodology reference

Image attachment

(State: Prototype)

Class - Represent an attached image.

Resource id
Type of
Subclass of
English label
French label
Expected use of acr:content property
An URL from the type xsd:anyURI
Usage note
Provisional use with the ACR methodology described by GitHub wet-boew PR #9580
WET-BOEW ACR methodology reference

Source code attachment

(State: Prototype)

Class - Represent an attached source code document.

Resource id
Type of
Subclass of
English label
Source code document
French label
Document de code source
Expected use of acr:content property
Text literal from the type xsd:string
Usage note
Provisional use with the ACR methodology described by GitHub wet-boew PR #9580
WET-BOEW ACR methodology reference

JSON attachment

(State: Prototype)

Class - Represent an attached json document.

Resource id
Type of
Subclass of
English label
Json document
French label
Document json
Expected use of acr:content property
An JSON from the type rdf:JSON aka @json in JSON-LD
Usage note
Provisional use with the ACR methodology described by GitHub wet-boew PR #9580
WET-BOEW ACR methodology reference

HTML attachment

(State: Prototype)

Class - Represent an attached html document.

Resource id
Type of
Subclass of
English label
HTML document
French label
Document html
Expected use of acr:content property
HTML literal from the type rdf:HTML
Usage note
Provisional use with the ACR methodology described by GitHub wet-boew PR #9580
WET-BOEW ACR methodology reference


(State: Prototype)

Property - Contain the content of an attachment. Default value is an URL (xsd:anyURI) which

Domain: acr:Attachment Range: xsd:anyURI, xsd:string, rdf:JSON, rdf:HTML

Media query list

(State: Prototype)

Class - Represent a CSS Media Query List.

Resource id
Type of
Sub class of
rdfs:subClassOf oa:State
Same as
owl:sameAs https://www.w3.org/TR/mediaqueries-5/#media-query-list
English label
Media query list
French label
Liste de requête média
Expected use of acr:mediaQuery property
A valid CSS media query list string which are testable with the JS browser function window.matchMedia()
WET-BOEW ACR methodology reference


(State: Prototype)

Property - A valid CSS media query string that are testable with the JS browser function window.matchMedia(). For exmaple: “(min-width: 992px) and (max-width: 1199px)”

Domain: acr:MediaQueryList Range: xsd:string, CSS Media Query

Vocabulary extension/specialization


(State: Prototype)

Originally defined: https://www.w3.org/TR/EARL/#mode

	a rdf:Property ;
	rdfs:domain [ earl:Assertion, acr:Revision ] ;
	rdfs:range earl:TestMode .


(State: Prototype)

Originally defined: https://www.w3.org/TR/EARL/#result

	a rdf:Property ;
	rdfs:domain [ earl:Assertion, acr:Revision ] ;
	rdfs:range earl:TestResult .


(State: Prototype)

Originally defined: https://www.w3.org/TR/EARL/#test

	a rdf:Property ;
	rdfs:domain [ earl:Assertion, wf:Task, acr:AuditReportNote ] ;
	rdfs:range earl:TestCriterion .


(State: Prototype)

Originally defined: https://www.w3.org/TR/EARL/#pointer

	a rdf:Property ;
	rdfs:domain [ earl:TestResult, wf:Task, earl:TestSubject ] ;
	rdfs:range ptr:Pointer .


(State: Prototype)

Originally defined: https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-vocab/#hasstate Documented: https://www.w3.org/TR/annotation-model/#states IRI: http://www.w3.org/ns/oa#hasState

	a rdf:Property ;
	rdfs:domain [ oa:ResourceSelection, earl:TestSubject, earl:TestResult ] ;
	rdfs:range oa:State .

Additional information to complement instances description

(State: Prototype)

For wf:Task

It is recommended to provide additional information about the Work Item by using the following properties from external vocabularies:

For earl:Assertion

For earl:test in earl:Assertion combined with earl:TestResult

(related to provide more detaile about more specific test on a Success Criterion which has a broader scope)

List only the test (techniques) which has been confirmed to be fully applied and/or beign discussed in the Test Result description.

For earl:test in wf:Task

List only the test (techniques) which has going to be impacted or related to the Work Item.

Outdated prototyped term

View the outdated prototyped term ### `score` (**State:** *Outdated Prototype* on 2023-05-23) Property - Assessment results percentage score Domain: `earl:Assertion` Range: Literal ### `outcome` (**State:** *Outdated Prototype* on 2023-05-23) Property - Human readable string of the test result. ### `reportId` (**State:** *Outdated Prototype* on 2023-05-23) Property - Positive integer identifying the report among other report for the site, project or. ### `Revision` (**State:** *Outdated Prototype* on 2023-05-23) Class - Review report of the completed assertion that implement the class `earl:Assertor` and `earl:TestResult`.
Alternate description in turtle ``` acr:Revision a rdf:Class ; a earl:Assertor ; a earl:TestResult ; rdfs:label "Revision" ; rdfs:comment "Review report of the completed assertion" . ```
### `review` (**State:** *Outdated Prototype* on 2023-05-23) Property - Review of an assesment Domain: `Assertion` Range: `Revision`
Alternate description in turtle ``` acr:review a rdf:Property ; rdfs:domain earl:Assertion ; rdfs:range acr:Revision rdfs:label "Review" . ```
### `WorkItem` (**State:** *Outdated Prototype* on 2023-05-23) Class - Describe a work item resulting from one or more Revision with the objective to fix a failure and/or to improve the compliance of the assessed subject. It is recommended to provide additional information about the *Work Item* by using the following properties from external vocabularies: * `dcterms:title` - Human readable title of the work item * `dcterms:description` - Human readable description of the work item. * `dcterms:references` - URI pointing to the discussion and tracking of the work item. For example a link to a corresponding GitHub issue. * `dcterms:created` - Date of when the work item was initially created * `acr:requirement` - Reference to the related conformance requirement instance * `acr:severity` - Indication of the work item severity * `acr:relevancy` - Indication of the work item relevancy * `earl:test` - Related test cases which this work item is about * `earl:pointer` - Pointer relative to the subject of where the work item is about ### `task` (**State:** *Outdated Prototype* on 2023-05-23) Property - Associate the Work Item with an assertion **Domain**: `earl:Assertion` **Range**: `WorkItem` ### `toResolveTest` (**State:** *Outdated Prototype* on 2023-05-23) Property - Associate the test which the WorkItem are going to resolve once completed. **Domain**: `WorkItem` **Range**: `earl:TestCriterion` ### `assertedBy` (**State:** *Outdated Prototype* on 2022-09-23) Property - Human readable string of the assessor name **Current status:** Going to be replaced by foaf:name attached to the earl:mainAssertor property

Sample report

See Pierre Dubois GitHub comment on issue #9771 and the ACR methodology in wet-boew working examples