Balise details fermée sur petits écrans

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Needs translation

Unstable feature

To be used at your own risk. This feature described below can be removed in any subsequent minor/major release

Learn more about the design decision around provisional features.

Check other provisional features available.


Keep selected details elements closed on defined viewport and down if they were not engaged, default is small.

Working example

Evaluation and report

There is no evaluation and report available for this component.

API (provisional)




Function type Name How to implement What it does
jQuery Event wb-init.wb-details-close Triggered manually (e.g., $( ".wb-details-close" ).trigger( "wb-init.wb-details-close" );). Initializes the details-close plugin. This plugin will be initialized automatically unless the .wb-details-close element is added after the page load and wet-boew was initialized.
jQuery Event wb-ready.wb-details-close Triggered automatically after the plugin initializes. Used to identify when and where the plugin initializes (target of the event).
$( document ).on( "wb-ready.wb-details-close", ".wb-details-close", function( event ) {
$elm.on( "wb-ready.wb-details-close", function( event ) {


(Version provisional)

Proprety name/type Option Description How to configure Values
[data-breakpoint] String Viewport abbreviation defines highest viewport from which details are closed. Valid Bootstrap 3 viewport xs, sm, md, lg

Source code

Details closed on mobile source code on GitHub

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