Government of Canada Web Usability theme

Questions or comments?


This theme implements the requirements of the Standard on Web Usability and is recommended for use on all Government of Canada websites (except for

Use when

Do not use when

Working example

English and French examples

How to implement

General instructions

  1. Use the *.html files to create your Web pages.
  2. Optional: Create, install and link to one or more new CSS files (will be used for custom CSS)
  3. Correct all *.css, *.js, and *.gif file paths referenced in the installed *.html files
  4. Replace the page title (in between <title> and </title>), the site title, and the content title (in between <h1 id="wb-cont"> and </h1>)
  5. Correct the metadata values

Content page-specific instructions (content-*.html)

  1. Correct the menu bar links or remove the menu bar
  2. Correct the English/Français link or remove the language selection link
  3. Optional: Implement the secondary menu (maximum of 2 levels)
  4. Correct the search field or remove the search field
  5. Correct the breadcrumb trail or remove the breadcrumb trail
  6. Correct the site footer links
  7. Correct the Date modified/Date de modification or change to Version

Splash page-specific instructions (splashpage-*.html)

  1. Correct the English and French language links

Server message page-specific instructions (serv*.html)

  1. Replace the English and/or French messages.

Source code

Date modified: