GCWeb Jekyll website example
This is a simple website using the GCWeb Jekyll theme
Minimum requirement
- Create a
- Define a layout globally or per page
Site structure and minimalist content (With a default global layout)
# Remote theme, use the latest version remote_theme: wet-boew/gcweb-jekyll # # Page front matter defaults defaults: - scope: path: "" # Ensure it's applied to all pages values: layout: default index.html
--- title: GCWeb Jekyll website example --- <p>This is a simple website using the GCWeb Jekyll theme</p>
Alternative site structure and minimalist content
# Remote theme, use the latest version remote_theme: wet-boew/gcweb-jekyll index.html
--- title: GCWeb Jekyll website example layout: default --- <p>This is a simple website using the GCWeb Jekyll theme</p>
Détails de la page
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