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List steps - documentation


To bring better prominence of content that is in an ordered list. To have a design that better reflects the size and weight of headers.


Use when

  • The steps and content are a primary focus of the page
  • Default design (circle with number inside):
    • Used for navigation, such as a topic page, or a subway step page where the headers are links to sub topic or sub step pages
    • Recommend to use action verbs
    • Should always have headers
  • Lead zero design (right border with steps 1 to 9 lead by a zero):
    • Used for regular content, such as a step by step instructions
    • Using headers is optional

Do not use when

  • The content does not meet the criteria of being in an ordered list
  • The list is not a primary part of the page
  • The list items only contain a small amount of content, use a normal ordered list

Be careful when

Mismatching the wrong design with the wrong type of content.

Working examples

Evaluation and report

How to implement

Default design for step-by-step navigation to web pages

On top level list item:

<ol class="lst-stps">

Configuration options

Lead zero design for in page step-by-step content

On top level list item:

<ol class="lst-stps ld-zr">

Sub (nested) lists

On sub lists:

         <ol class="lst-stps-sub">

The sub list inherits the design of the parent list (default or lead zero).

They appear as a lower alpha item (e.g. 2a, 2b, 2c, etc.).

Striped list steps

This design should be used sparingly to avoid the risk of certain list items looking "highlighted".

Striped design (default):

<ol class="lst-stps stps-strpd">

Striped design (lead zero):

<ol class="lst-stps ld-zr stps-strpd">

Striped sub (nested) lists

Sub lists by default will not inherit the striped design without using the stps-strpd class on their own element.

Striped sub list design (default):

<ol class="lst-stps stps-strpd">
        <ol class="lst-stps-sub stps-strpd">

Striped sub list design (lead zero):

<ol class="lst-stps ld-zr stps-strpd">
        <ol class="lst-stps-sub stps-strpd">

Start attribute

Follow the <ol> attribute start value from 2 to 9.

<ol class="lst-stps" start="2">

Source code

Source code for the list steps plugin on GitHub

Page details

Date modified: