DataTable Utilities
On this page
- Control Table with Raw Data
- Column Data Manipulation Example 1
- Column Data Manipulation Example 2
- Table Footer With Static Totals
- Table Footer With Dynamic Totals updated when Filtered
Control Table with Raw Data
Department | Contact Email | Custom study | Custom study URL | Reg# | Contract value |
Column Data Manipulation Example 1
Wrap email Addresses with a <a href="mailto:..."></a>.wb-col-money
Format numbers as Money..wb-col-url
Stitch 2 columns (column-name, column-name-url) into a single URL / Caption or URL and URL as the caption if (column-name-url) does not exists within the JSON File.
<table class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover table-condensed small wb-tables-utility" id="t2" data-wb-tables='{ "ajax":"data/datatable-utility.json", "columns": [{ "data": "DepartmentEN" }, { "data": "ContactEmail" }, { "data": "Custom study titleEN" }, { "data": "Registration number" }, { "data": "Contract value" }], "columnDefs": [{ "className": "text-left", "targets": [0]}, { "className": "text-left wb-col-mailto", "targets": [1] }, { "className": "text-left wb-col-url", "targets": [2] }, { "className": "text-left", "targets": [3] }, { "className": "text-right wb-col-money", "targets": [4] }], "lengthMenu": [ [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, "All"] ]}'>
Department | Contact Email | Custom study | Reg# | Contract value |
Column Data Manipulation Example 2
Format numbers with thousands separator with 2 decimals.
<table class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover table-condensed small wb-tables-utility" id="t3" data-wb-tables='{ "ajax":"data/datatable-utility.json", "columns": [{ "data": "DepartmentEN" }, { "data": "ContactEmail" }, { "data": "Custom study titleEN" }, { "data": "Registration number" }, { "data": "Contract value" }], "columnDefs": [{ "className": "text-left", "targets": [0]}, { "className": "text-left", "targets": [1] }, { "className": "text-left", "targets": [2] }, { "className": "text-left", "targets": [3] }, { "className": "text-right wb-col-cur-thousand", "targets": [4] }], "lengthMenu": [ [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, "All"] ]}'>
Department | Contact Email | Custom study | Reg# | Contract value |
Table Footer With Static Totals
class on the column to perform column Total
Add a Placeholder <tfoot> at the bottom of the Table.
<tfoot> <tr class="active"> <th colspan="4">Total</th> <td> </td> </tr> </tfoot>
Pass false
via filteredsum to the plugin data-wb-tables-utility="{"filteredsum":false}"
as the default is true
<table class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover table-condensed small wb-tables-utility" id="t4" data-wb-tables-utility="{"filteredsum":false}" data-wb-tables='{ "ajax":"data/datatable-utility.json", "columns": [{ "data": "DepartmentEN" }, { "data": "ContactEmail" }, { "data": "Custom study titleEN" }, { "data": "Registration number" }, { "data": "Contract value" }], "columnDefs": [{ "className": "text-left", "targets": [0]}, { "className": "text-left wb-col-mailto", "targets": [1] }, { "className": "text-left wb-col-url", "targets": [2] }, { "className": "text-left", "targets": [3] }, { "className": "text-right wb-col-sum wb-col-money", "targets": [4] }], "lengthMenu": [ [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, "All"] ]}'>
Department | Contact Email | Custom study | Reg# | Contract value |
Total |
Table Footer With Dynamic Totals updated when Filtered
class on the column to perform column Total
Add a Placeholder <tfoot> at the bottom of the Table.
<tfoot> <tr class="active"> <th colspan="4">Total</th> <td> </td> </tr> </tfoot>
<table class="wb-tables table table-striped table-hover table-condensed small wb-tables-utility" id="t5" data-wb-tables='{ "ajax":"data/datatable-utility.json", "columns": [{ "data": "DepartmentEN" }, { "data": "ContactEmail" }, { "data": "Custom study titleEN" }, { "data": "Registration number" }, { "data": "Contract value" }], "columnDefs": [{ "className": "text-left", "targets": [0]}, { "className": "text-left wb-col-mailto", "targets": [1] }, { "className": "text-left wb-col-url", "targets": [2] }, { "className": "text-left", "targets": [3] }, { "className": "text-right wb-col-sum wb-col-money", "targets": [4] }], "lengthMenu": [ [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, -1], [5, 10, 25, 50, 100, "All"] ]}'>
Department | Contact Email | Custom study | Reg# | Contract value |
Total |
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