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Developing for GCWeb

[Needs translation]

Install NodeJS

Building GCweb

Run GCWeb wetsite locally

Ensure that you have builded GCWeb first

After your are running docking container or the docker composer you will be able to access your local website at: http://localhost:4000

Build Dockerfile locally

docker build -t jekyll-with-env-options .

Run your image

grunt debug

docker run -it --rm -v "$PWD":/usr/src/app -p "4000:4000" --env JEKYLL_OPTIONS='--config _config.yml,_localJekyll.yml' jekyll-with-env-options

alternative with docker-compose

This version leverage the remote theme wet-beoew/gcweb-jekyll. This equivalent if you run with gh-pages through your own GCWeb repository.

grunt debug
docker-compose up

First time run: docker-compose up --build

Run the continous integration and deployment script locally

Install ACT - https://github.com/nektos/act

Github fork needed:

Run the continuous deployment script

act -f deploy-gcweb -s my_token=<XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> -s my_username="<GITHUB USERNAME>" - my_email="<GITHUB HANDLE>@users.noreply.github.com" -a <GITHUB HANDLE>


Run additional CI test locally


grunt debug
docker-compose up

HTML link checker

docker exec -i gcweb_jekyll rake

Bootlint test

grunt bootlint

HTML lint

grunt htmllint:all

Build demo files

Run the following command to generate files for a demo on https://github.com/ServiceCanada/wet-boew-demos where [branchName] refers to the branch name where your demo is hosted.

grunt demo --branch=[branchName]

Refresh your github pages with the latest theme changes

You can make a commit to your site and it will get regenerated with the latest version of the jekyll theme. Alternatively, the following curl command will told github to regenerate your site.

curl -u <GITHUB HANDLE>:<XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> -X POST https://api.github.com/repos/<GITHUB HANDLE>/<GITHUB REPOSITORY>/pages/builds


Note: A manual update is required if you have specified a version for your jekyll remote theme in your config.yml file.

Contribuer à GCWeb

Lorsque vous effectuez des correctifs ou améliorations à GCWeb, tels que la correction d’un bogue ou l’ajout d’une fonctionnalité, il pourrait être intéressant pour toutes et tous de contribuer au projet afin que tous les implémentations de GCWeb puissent en bénéficier. Pour ce faire, veuillez consulter les lignes directrices de contribution de GCWeb.

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