PHP variant
Project lead: Patrick Upson (@upsonp)
Adapts WET for use with PHP.
- Helps to minimize the duplication of content and code (such as titles and dates)
- Provides central control of the left and right columns
- Improves consistency by separating content from the template code
- Automates the breadcrumb trail
- Conforms to WCAG 2.0 AA
- Uses WAI-ARIA to enhance accessibility
Minimum requirements
- dist folder from WET 3.0.x
- PHP 5.3+
- Apache 2.x Web Server
- Make sure that you have the WET 3.0.x dist and demos folders in your root directory.
- Merge the demos-php folder from the v3.0 branch of the wet-boew/wet-boew-php repository with the WET 3.0.x dist and demos folders.
- Date modified: